13: Garden Walk of Memories

Start from the beginning

"My sass is better than yours."

"I will smack your ass with a flip flop!"

I could hear him shutter as he stiffens. "On second thought, how about we go back?"

"That's what I thought."

We went back to base and headed towards the lobby where everyone was either having a conversation or doing something else with their lives.

"Yo." Genji greeted as we walked in.

"Hello!" Junkrat yelled.

"Anyyong!" D.va welcomed.

".....Hi...." Reaper said in a low voice.

I walked over to the couch and sat down, tired and hungry. "I'M HUNGERD!"

"What?" Mccree asked in confusion.

"I'm tired and hungry!" I exclaim, rubbing my eyes and tum tum.

"Ah, well! I can make you some burgers?" he suggests.

"Or I could make you some ramen?" Genji jumped in.

"Now hold on there mister. You've been treating her for who knows how long! I think it's our turn, or mine, to do something for (Y/n)." Jesse states, walking up to Genji with his hands in his pockets.

"I have been a close acquaintance to her. I feel like she would be more comfortable with me helping her." Genji says back, showing no fear towards the bearded cowboy.

"Boys, please." Pharah interrupts as she pulls them apart, "I will make her food since you two can't agree on a simple task."

"THANK YOU!!!" I yell as she goes into the kitchen to prepare me a meal or something.

I slightly hear the two fighting members curse under they're breathes, one in English and the other in Japanese. They glare at each other before sitting on either side of me, keeping a close eye on each other.

"Nope. I'm done." I say as I get up and head toward the kitchen where Pharah was cooking away.

I sat down on the counter, "Those two get on my nerves.." Pharah mumbles as she faces me.

"I know what you mean. It gets out of hand sometimes." I reply, watching her stir some sauce and dry out noodles.

"SPAGHETTI!!" I squeal as I realize what she was making.

"Yup! My moms recipe." she states in a proud tone.

I hug her and pat her head. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!"

Pharah giggles, "No problem."

I grab a plate and take a bit with sauce and noodles with a hint of parmigiana cheese.

"H-Holy shit.....this is amazing...." I say as I dig in.

"Nothing's better than an old recipe dish." 

~A few minutes later of stuffing your face~

I thank her again and clean up my mess of the red sauce from god and noodles from the heavens. I walk back out and start to think...How long has it been since someone cooked something for me..? Family based...Come to think of it, a few 10 years since then.

I continue to walk.

Ever since my ballet and gymnastics lessons stopped due to my couches thinking I was they're best pupil and had learned everything I needed to know, I was 15 at the time, everything changed.

I walked into the training room and grabbed a yellow belt this time, making sure nothing was wrong with it. I did the info thing again and put my guard up, with my healer gear on ready for action.

Overwatch decided to break into my home...I don't know why but they did.

I took a deep breath as bots started to come out. I wiped out my claws and got into a stance.

But what if-..(Y/n), stop. You couldn't...just concentrate on this first. I took a look down at myself, .....wh-what the..? Why am I in my ballet stance?

I had my toes propping myself up while my arms were delicately stiffened on my sides, ready for movement. One bot came at me with a swinging wrecking ball that had silver spikes. I spined and pulled one of my legs out and bent half of my body forward with one of my claws deeply shoved into the metal being.

"Huh...I never thought I could do that...with ballet. Come to think of it, fighting is almost like a dance." I mumble to myself as I backflip five times over to a sniper and jump up, kicking it with my pointed foot as I jumped and did a splits in the air, landing with a quiet formation and composer.

This should be fun.

I quickened my pace and slowly made every move into a work of art, a dance. Everything slowly faded as I spined on one of my feet and had the other connected to my thigh, like a flamingo, and slashed a couple of times at a bot.

Soon, my surroundings turned into an old dogo. The walls were encreasted with carvings of cherry blossoms on vines, pillars had moss slowly climbing up, threatening to take over the wood pillar. On the wall to my right side stood a magnificent cherry blossom tree with petals gracefully falling to the floor, ending they're journey of flight.

I closed my eyes and kept working away, yet remembering everything in the dogo made of nature. It was my home away from home, the ballet and gymnastics studio fit for the best of the best in Hanamura.

"Home is where the heart is..." I sang as I rolled under an "enemy" and kicked it into the air. I jumped up and spined with my body doing a backflip and clawed it's head off and pounded the wire full body back down to the floor.

"And my heart is in the arms of nature's angel..." I continued. 

When the body hit the floor, it exploded, sending waves of other bots to explode as well. I opened my eyes and saw the training room back again with it's  dull grey walls and lifeless blue floor. As the metal group of attackers detonated, smoke filled the room along with loud clutters, and the impact created slight winds. It made my hair flow towards my right, sometimes covering my face.

"And stuck...with my passionate...desire..." I finished while sighing and watching the smoke clouds disappear.

Memories can bring back a lot of things. Even a walk through your whole past. Like a garden walk of memories.

<DISCONTINUED> Open Hearts - Genji x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now