Heaving large breaths, I look at Sam just as he cuts the head off his blood sucking victim. Cas has to merely touch his two, and they burn away from the inside out.

"Now that that's done, can we please get back to Donatello? I left him at your apartment."

"Let me guess," I say, wiping the blood off my hatchet, "you didn't give him any explanation, and just left him there."

He at least has the decency to look embarrassed. Sam is standing next to me, so Cas reaches out a hand to each of us, and the next thing I know we are standing in our living room.

"You're going to have to take me back later to get my car." I tell him.

"Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on around here?" Donatello screams. I look over to where is voice came from and he's huddled in the corner, next to the bookshelf. A wild look on his face, his eyes wide open. "Two months ago, I'm just going about my morning routine, when all this bright light starts shooting out of me, and I pass out. Last week I start to hear whispering in my head, compelling me to search for something, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to be searching for." He ends forlornly.

"I found him quite close to your bunker. I think the compulsion was to find the Demon tablet, since it's out of storage and warding." Cas says.

"There's warding all over the bunker."

"Yes, but you had it under specific warding for the tablet, that isn't in any of the wards on the bunker."

That makes sense. We had to have several angels help make a container to keep the tablet in. When we pulled it out, it must have started giving a signal to the current prophet.

"Can you take us to the bunker, Cas?"


I go to Donatello and reach out a hand.

"Come with us, and we will be able to answer all your questions. Everything about what you are, to what we need your help with."

He hesitates a second, then puts his hand into mine, and allows me to help him stand. We walk back over to Cas, and we all place a hand on him. Next thing I know, we are in the foyer of the bunker.

"Whoa. The whispering is really intense here." Donatello whispers.

"I imagine so. The Demon tablet is here." Cas tells him.

"What is a Demon tablet?" He asks, confusion written all over his face.

"How about we all have a seat, have something to drink, and talk this out?" Sam suggests.

"As long as the drink is a stiff one." Donatello says, pulling out a chair and sitting in it.

I nod to Sam, and he goes to the kitchen and gathers everything. We all sit, and I prepare for a long evening answering questions.


We arrive at Loose Park, and he parks near the playgrounds. Before I can even unbuckle, he has my door open, patiently waiting for me. I finish unbuckling, and swing my legs out, grabbing the bread before I jump out.

He closes the door and locks it with the keyfob. He takes my hand and we walk the paths leading to the duck pond. It's not often I'm made to feel small, but my hand in his large one is accomplishing that quite nicely. I like it. I give his hand a little squeeze as we walk. He looks at me questioningly. I lift our locked hands.

"Honestly, it's silly, but I've been this tall since I was fifteen years old. There haven't been too many instances in my life where I felt small. Feeling your ginormous hand wrapped around mine, well, I think I like feeling small." I admit, a blush creeping across my cheeks.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. I think it's cute. You're the perfect size." He removes his hand from mine and drapes it over my shoulder. I fit perfectly nestled under his arm. "I think everyone is made the way they are for a reason. I think you were made to fit right here."

"I like the way you think." I say, and move my arm around his lower back.

We walk like that until we reach the duck pond. We sit on a bench near the water, and I open the bag of old bread. I hand him a few pieces, and we sit in companionable silence while we tear off pieces of bread to toss to the ducks. When the bread is all gone, and the disappointed ducks swim away, I get up and toss the bag into the trash.

"Want to walk through the rose garden?" I ask him. It's one of my favorite places in the city. It's just so beautiful with every manner of rose you can think of.

"I would love to." He says, reaching his hand out and grasping mine. I feel so very comfortable with him, and it surprises me. I generally like my personal space, but I have no problem with him in mine right now.

We walk toward the rose garden, making small talk. We round the final corner, and it's roses as far as you can see. There's a couple and their party getting wedding photographs taken, so we steer clear of that side of the garden. I love seeing all the different colors of roses. I also love that they are still blooming this late in the season.

After looking at and talking about all the beautiful blooms, we head back to his vehicle. He unlocks the car, and opens my door. I sit down and reach for my seatbelt as he closes the door. He walks around, gets in and starts the car,

"Do you want to do anything?" He asks me, putting the car into gear and pulling out of the parking space. I think about it for a minute.

"I'm still recovering from having the flu, and I'm kind of tired. Can I get a rain check?" I look at him hopefully.

"Anything you want, Bear. Anything you want."

The rest of the drive, I lean my head against the window and watch the world pass by in a blur. Today was a good day.

Hunter Academy - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now