#38 Love isn't it?

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Author POV

Chanyeol:I hide everything from you since we first met..you want to know why I told them to stop hunting him?.. I don't want you to be killed,I get into this plan because of my yeri.. She really want to succeed her revenge...but when I knew that you love him...I think he deserve to die.

He said without any hesitant leaving Irene with confusion.


His voice letting Irene turned her gaze to him. She stop herself from running to his lifeless body there with a tight rope around his body.

Chanyeol:Irene don't come to him or I will shoot him.

He said without looking at Irene.

Taehyung:Irene I told you not to come.

Irene:I-I won't and never leaving you..even you warn me many times.

Her tears almost drop but she hold it tight not letting her tears drop until everyone safe.

Chanyeol:Stop this stupid! Irene! Stop loving him!  He will die soon!..

He then move towards her while Irene ready to take her gun to shoot him but as he grab her arm gently,he drop his knife and put his hand on her waist then bring her closer, not letting any space between them.
The sudden action made Irene speechless,she never expect him to do so.

Chanyeol:I love you.

What he will do next make her more surprised as she is getting struct by electric.He kiss her in front of Taehyung and made both of them in shocked by the sudden movement.

Her tears drop and immediately push him aside.

Irene:Chanyeol-ahh.. What are you doing! Why did you do this to me?.. Stop it!!

She yelled and wipe her tears away.

Irene:Chanyeol-ahh you are my Bestfriend!

Chanyeol:IRENE!! You doesn't know what I faced! When I heard my parents dead...my whole life across from my expected! I-i was hoping that day to tell you my feelings..but when I heard about my parents died, where were you! I cried alone there! and you just being with your family happily ever after! Is that what you call friends!?

Taehyung:Don't get it wrong. She doesn't mean to leave you alone there.

He said and let the whole scene shut for a little while.

Irene:I.. I'm sorry.. I truly doesn't know that was your parents. I don't even know that you were crying that day.I dumb and I know it!But please!  Don't do this to the innocent people they did nothing wrong!

Chanyeol:You know something? Even how hard I try to get you,but that boy is still your first place right?I will surely kill him...and the next person will be you..If you hates me,just hates me.But I will never say goodbye to you.

He walk back towards Taehyung.Taehyung gaze are still on Irene.Irene ready to kill chanyeol but when she saw Taehyung gaze says her to stop, she pause her steps with a shocked moment.She shook her head.

Irene:Tae.. You can't..

Chanyeol:Don't try to kill me or I will kill you first, Irene.

He walk towards Taehyung and set his gun on his head.

Taehyung:It's okay Irene...*grin remember the story I told you before?  A lost boy? You know why is it call a lost boy? This because he lost from his world but he still exist in his love girl's world..but he still a lost boy.. Haha!...weird isn't it?.. Nice to meet you..LOVE.

He ready to shot but then,

Yeri:Chanyeol stop!

Out of the blue,Yeri break the moment.

Chanyeol:Yeri what are you doing here!?

Without realized, Irene ran towards Chanyeol and kick his gun harshly until it being throw away a bit far by him.Instead of shooting him on his heart immediately, she hug him while holding her gun.

Irene:Chanyeol,my happy virus..please don't get me wrong...I love you as a best friend and I will always do...I only have you by my side when my parents leave me alone at school..You are my lighting for my whole life.

She sad yet happy to hug him..after a long year she has not even got a chance to meet him.But then, he hold her hand that hold a gun in it and move it exactly on his heart.

Chanyeol:Shoot me.

He said and making Irene turned to him in hurt.

Irene:No! I will not!

Chanyeol:Just.. Shoot me.. Please Irene.

He smile while keeping his gaze on Irene.Irene couldn't let her gaze away from him as always she did before even when she is crying.

Chanyeol:Please...or I have to beg you?

Irene:Beg me..

She said.
He then hold both her arm gently and get her closer and more close.Both of them kisses each other as a bestfriend with tears dropping down wetting her cheek.The time passes and his hand still on Irene.She then ready to shot him on his heart with the last word from him.

Chanyeol:Thanks for still remembered my first nickname that you pick for me..I'm happy..

He said smiling, not letting his weakness to be seen by her only to make her calm and BANG! The gun's shot being heard.He fall from his knees but his hand still being hold tight by Irene with her tears.Yeri who look at his dead brother, ran towards him and stare at the dead body with her non expressions.

Yeri:I knew what he wanted..and i'm sorry Irene.

Irene:Yeri please go away from here they will looking for you. I want you to be safe.

She look at her and nodded in hesitated.

Irene:I'm sorry for your lost.I will always be with you if you need me.Took this with you walk into a car at the front house, show them this card and told them to bring you to the place and told them that...I safe and sound..

She handed her a card, in which got a place stated in it. Yeri took it from her hand and nodded.

Yeri:But what if..

Irene:They will not.. Promised

She smile and forcing her to leave now.Irene then walk towards Taehyung.She cut the rope but her eyes still no expression.After she open the rope,Taehyung immediately hug her tightly as he doesn't want her to ran away from him.


Taehyung:Shhhh..Just cry as much as you want,I'm here.

She cry as much as she could feel the pain that she carried a long time ago. She let it out as she can in his hug.
The time seems froze as the two lovers loving each other with a sincerity love by both human being.


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