#9 The school.

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Last chapter:
Yoona brings the girls to their new house.
-Irene POV-

Yoona:"Get on my car girls.i'll bring you to your lovely house."
Wendy:"Why you said our Lovely House?"
Yoona:"You'll see......now! Get on my car.."
  Well she said like that to us..BTW,she have a great lamborghini!

This is her car:

  We reach our destiny only for a minute

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  We reach our destiny only for a minute..she's drive her car with full speed..yeah..she's good at driving.......i mean she's good in everything!
  But as we turn left,we saw a beautiful villa...i'm totally amaized!!

                        The villa

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                        The villa

Wendy:"Who's villa is it?"

  What!!!!!!!!are you kidding me??..this is very huge for us!

Irene:"A...ar..are you sure?"

Yoona:"Yes it is...you..don't like it?..i'm soo sorry...i pick this villa because this is the only villa that near with your school....if not..i'll pick the bigger one.."

Seulgi:"No!..it's more than enough for us!"

Irene & Wendy:"We like it very much!!"

Yoona:"Thank you...well now let's go in.i'll show you everything that we provide for you."
  After she park her car,we walk in to the villa..
  Wow!!!this is amaizing!!it's totally huge!!

Yoona:"This is..your room...you can choose which room do you want..this is your practise room...and this is your weapons room..we already put many kinds of weapon in this room..well use it wisely *wink..and in the kicthen,we already set up your foods..and anything that you want...and the last one..this is your office room...for your disscussion.
And this is your car key...three of you..i bought you lamborghini as mine..for you three..and i pick different colour..for Irene,i pick Red colour,for Seulgi i pick Yellow colour..and for Wendy,i pick Blue colour...well that's all......"
Wow!! she's really fast..

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