#15 The Weird.

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-Taehyung POV-


  I'll wait her here until she came out.
Someone:"Hey! Taehyung."

  Who's talking to me..?


I turned around to see who's talking to me,but before i finished my sentence, every things getting blur.......

*End Flashback*

That's all i remember....
Why i saw a light? A bright light...am i died?

Mom:"Taehyung!!..you awake!!...my...son..."


  Mom's hug me.

Dad:"Thanks god you wake up.We very worried about you."

Taehyung:"Wh...What happens to me?"
  I really can't remember everything.
  Last thing i remember,i'm arguing with someone i think it's a girl.....but then it blur..

Dad:"You just faint,maybe you too tired...BTW, you should say thank you to Jungkook because of him,You are safe."


Taehyung:"Oh..did he here?"

Mom:"No..he..went home.Doctor said, that he have something to do."

  I don't know,but something weird happening to me.I can't remember about... something.

-Irene POV-

  After we reach hospital,the doctor check him and find the potion for him.

Doctor:"He's normal now...but he can't remember a part of his memories that happening today.."

  It's okay...but as long as he safe.

Doctor:"We have to call his parents.What's your name?"

  Do i have to say my name or not?...

Irene:"Just say that Jungkook bring him here,but now he went back home to do something important."
  The doctor looked at me weirdly.But then he nodded.

  Yeah...i don't want him to think that i'm the one that saving him..if not,he will think that i'm trying to killed him!BTW, he will forget about what happens right?

<Time Skip>

Taeyeon's agent, bring me home.

Seulgi:"You're back!"


Wendy:"Where are you just now?"

  She always have a question ~~

Irene:"From Hospital.Can i go upstairs? I want to change my clothes.Then,we can celebrate for today!"

Seulgi:"Celebrate what?"

Irene:"We don't have a time to celebrate our new tittle..hahaha..as Pro Agent!...so, lets celebrate..in addition,today will be the last time we together."


<Skip Time>
                    *In bedroom*

Irene:"Today is the best day!!!"

  Well at least,i can avoid myself from other things that tiring my mind.

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