#2 The next moment..

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Note:Enjoy it;

-Seulgi POV-

I know it's sound crazy when you skipping your class..haha..i think maybe...it's not that crazy but..chill..
I can ask them to go to the auditorium when we use to trained our skill in assasins..if they don't want to go there i'll force them..!)

Seulgi:"Irene..Wendy..as we   skipping our class..i've better idea....let's go to auditorium where we used to trained our assasin skill before...so how?"
I ask them with my calm voice and stares.

Irene &Wendy:"Why?"
They ask in unison...is this accapella or what!!..''#

Seulgi:"Well..if we got caught,at   least they know that we're practising..so how?"
I ask again..this time with cold and gently voice for them to hear and understand..and this time Irene answer with her thorn and gently voice..

Irene:"I think that's great idea."
She answer my question with her simple word that makes Wendy nodded..as meaning that she agree too.

*In Auditory*
-Irene POV-
  Now we're at auditory of this school..if you want me to describe it?,well..it's preety big...that's all....hehe i'm not good at describing things so..Sorry~~(

BTW..when Seulgi ask us to go to this auditory it's maybe good idea but..i'm dissapointed because it maybe will be more fun if we go to cafeteria and eat..hehe..maybe not great idea~^....then we already here in auditory room for practise...

  After a while practising..suddenly the door of this auditory rooms opened by principal...
Our principal is a really strict man even he knows us well,but rules have to obey..

Principal:"I heard you guys skipping class today is it right?"
He ask with his strict and torn voice but calm in the same times

Irene:"Sir..we very sorry..about this thing...w..we..thought we have to take a break after working h..hard in our mission yesterday."
I said it with my hessitated and scared voice while looking at principal to his 'none smile face'.

Principal:"Don't ever think about your break time if you not become A Pro Agent yet!!"
He scoled us with his scary voice which make me don't feel anything as everythings gone..

Principal:"Who's idea is this?"
Well it's actually me and Wendy idea...when i was about to say that it's my idea,Suddenly Seulgi step forward and bow 100° politely and say sorry to principal..she says that it's her idea..

That moment,i saw principal's face very dissapointed..his face become more dissapointed as he saw A very Good student in his school named Seulgi bow to him and say sorry because of her idea..I was a jerk just looking to my friends bow to principal even it's none of her fault..

Principal:"Seulgi??..how can you be like this?...you are my top student..and not only you...your friends! Irene,Wendy!You three never ever skip your classes, you three are tops student in this school and also called pro in assasins...i'm dissapointed on you three..Especially YOU!!!!BAE IRENE!!"

As he said my name,i turn up my head a little bit to look at the principal faces..with shock hessitated movement.Then he speak again..

Principle:"Bae Irene your family really count on you..they want you to be like them..especially your parents..you already know that your parents is a well-known assasins in this assasins community..your parents is TOP Assasins among all assasins in the whole world...not only them,me also really count on you!!..but now i'm already count on you three to light up this school as the best assasin..please don't dissapointed me!..But you all knows!! rules must to obey!...even i know you three very well,rules MUST TO OBEY!!you all knows what your punishment right?"
As i told you he's very strict and now we'll be bend from this school for a month and in a month we'll be in a normal school far from this island and be a normal student we also have to take care for ourself there..
We must search for school that have dorm by ourself!!..TT....maybe it'll give us more time to stress and rest ^^but i'm really dissapointed..

Especially, what i have to say to my mom and dad??

OH MY..i'll die if i tell my parents about this.....someone please help me!!!

Irene,Seulgi&Wendy:"Yes we know"
We say in unison..then our principal leave us with very horrible regreted moment in our life!!

Irene:"I'll die if my parents know about this"
I say with my cold voice that full of regreted.

Seulgi:"Not only yours...my parents also will be really...Really..REALLY dissapointed"
As i saw Wendy,she only standing there speechless....suddenly she come in front of me and Seulgi..i was very shock at first,that she mannage to give her big smile to us even this is a rough situation..but i already know her..she'll be like that to cheer us up.

-Wendy POV-
  After principal left us,i'm very speechless of what my friends do and what principal told us..i do not think that it will come from my principals mouth..

HE COUNT ON US??really?? i do not think about that..i thought he only give us a mission that brings a lot of burden to us..but he have high espectation ON US??..i think it's not really a bad day for me ...not only me but all of us..

So,i came infront of Irene and Seulgi with my bright smile even i'm still feel the dissapointment in myself.

Wendy:"Guys!!! think wisely!!!don't be such a baby!!! do you think our principals standing in front of us and say all of that to us to make our moods down..well......NO!!!...he told us about how he count on us!,it just to make we realized that he have a high expectation on us...in the same time he feel proud of us on how we perform in our mission...so now you guys only want to standing there? With regretful face????...don't tell me you'll standing there forever??!!!HaHaHaHa!!!;)"

After i finished cheering them^^,i finally light up their mood.....well that's make me very happy!!

-Seulgi POV-
  After i heard of what Wendy said,it's really light up my mood,and my mind grown a little to think more further..well that's my friend..Wendy only give us her bright smile to cheer us...Even sometimes i'm really hard and cold to her,she always being nice to others;)

Irene:"Thank you Wendy...because of your long speech like a grandma..you make us happy again...HEHE^^"

Wendy:"So now,..do i have to feel happy about what you said or not??huhhh?little rabbit"
Then she laugh on her own joke..and we all laugh together as nothing happen..well that's great ><)..
In a while,i feel someone is watching us..as i turned around,i saw principal staring at us with his light smile and go...but he actually did not see me stare at him..well i got sence when someone near me right?? Haha;).

End of chapter #2  hope you like it~^) please vote if you like it..and if you don't like it??also vote for me...duhhhhhh...HaHaHa..kidding😉if you don't like it..please give some comment for me to improve my story..~Thank You~><

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