Riot was getting a bit restless, so I decided it was time to do some sightseeing. I got dressed in a pair of tight jeans, a tank top, and a loose cardigan. It was a bit breezy in London today, not like California's sunny weather. I most likely wouldn't be getting an awesome tan this summer, but that was the least of my worries. Slipping on a pair of flip flops, I grabbed my purse and hooked Riot onto her leash. I was eager to explore the city. My dad's flat was right in the heart of London, so it wouldn't be too difficult to get around.

I didn't really know where I was going and with Riot, I couldn't take the tube. So instead, I just wandered aimlessly, probably looking like a total tourist. Everything felt so foreign and strange, yet beautiful. The architecture was really amazing and clearly dated. Riot sniffed the new landscape eagerly, pulling me down the street. I stopped as we reached a particularly beautiful bridge, stopping to snap a picture... or sixteen.

"Cute dog," an accented voice said. I turned to see a guy around my age standing about a foot away. "Almost as cute as its owner."

"Wow, that was awful," I said, amusement in my tone. "You realize you just compared me to a dog?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty shite at flirting," he laughed.

I let my eyes travel across his features. He had messy chestnut hair and a boyish smile. His lips were a pale pink--the top lip was thin while the bottom was pouty and plump. He had sharp bone structure and a strong jaw. What was most striking though were his eyes. They were brilliant and multicolored. His left eye was an icy blue, the color of winter skies, while his right was a pigmented amber.

"It's okay. I've heard worse," I said with a smile. "I'm Kourtney."

"Rhys," he stated.

"Nice to meet you," I greeted.

"You too." He grinned, revealing slightly crooked teeth that only managed to aid his handsome features. The flaw was incredibly endearing. "So I'm guessing from your accent that you're not from here?"

"No, I'm from California."

"Wow, you know any celebrities?" he asked.

I laughed. "Do you know One Direction?"

"Haha okay," he said. "So what brings a fit, incredibly sarcastic California girl all the way to London?"

"My dad lives here. I'm visiting him for the summer."

"Nice. Well, if you want I could like show you around, or whatever," Rhys suggested, rubbing at the nape of his neck. 

"Like, right now?" I questioned.

"Why not? I've nothing better to do." He shrugged, smiling.

"Okay, I have to drop Riot off at home though. She's pretty tired already," I stated, gesturing to the panting husky.

"No problem. Lead the way."

We crossed the street, dodging insane London traffic. "You just have to go for it," Rhys advised. "If you wait for the signals, you'll be here all day."

"So how old are you?" I asked.

"Eighteen," he said. "Just finished college and I'll be going to uni soon. You?"

"I'm sixteen. I'm in high school. I guess that would be considered college here."

"Probably," Rhys agreed. 

We spent the rest of the walk talking casually. Surprisingly, Rhys and I had a lot in common, from our favorite bands to the fact that we both had an unhealthy addiction to licorice. Normally, I probably would have been attractive. Everything was perfect about him--his personality, his looks--but I just wasn't ready. The twitch of his lips before giving into a bright smile was so cute, but not quite as brilliant as Andy's. His accent was sexy and colored his words with a playful huskiness, but it wasn't like Andy's.

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