You Can Peter

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Now choose you hair and makeup look👇🏼

Now choose you hair and makeup look👇🏼

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A couple hours later your hair and make up was done so all I had to do was put on the dress

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A couple hours later your hair and make up was done so all I had to do was put on the dress. I stepped out of my room and looked at Michelle. She was looking at you shocked. My heart dropped. "Does it look bad...?" I said sadly. Michelle instantly quickly shook her head and said "NO! No it's amazing. Peter's going to love you in this." I laughed and said "I hope so."

It had been at least 30 minutes since Michelle had left and you were staring to get nervous. It was already 7:32 so Peter should be here soon. For now I was just going to wait downstairs and watch t.v .

It was already 8:30 and Peter still hadn't come by. You were starting to loose hope so you decided to test him.

Peter where are you?!?!

Sent 8:34

It was now 8:55 and he still hadn't replied. I was think about going upstairs and go to sleep but then I thought "No, I will not let Peter stand me up!" So I marched down to his apartment and knocked on his and May's apartment. May opened the door and her mouth dropped at the sight of you. I giggled and said "Hi May, is Peter here?" She looked at you puzzled and then said "I thought he was picking you up. He left about and hour ago..." "That weird he didn't stop by." You thought about it and realized were he could be. You pretended to remember something and proceeded to say "Oh My Gosh, I'm so stupid I totally forgot Peter told me to meet him at the restaurant because he need to show me something." He puzzled expression turned into a more relaxed one. "Oh thank God. You thought he stood you up or something." You laughed. "Okay, well come for dinner soon sweetie. I'll see you soon." You hugged he Good Bye and went to find Peter. Yoy knew exactly where he was. It's the place you guys go to, to get away from everything and everyone.

You finally got there and when you did you saw Peter sitting down on the ledge looking down at Queens. You walked over to him and placed my hand on his and when you did his head shot towards me. He sighed when he saw it was just me. He got off the ledge and stood in front of me. "Y/N I'm so so sorry about standing you up it's just Falcon and I just don't know what ha-" Peter tried to explain but got interrupted by you crashing you lips on his. You finally both pulled away breathlessly. "Wow." Peter managed to breath out. You giggled and said "I know." He took a step back and took in your apperence. His mouth dropped and his heart skipped a beat. "Peter?" You called worried if about his reaction. Before anything else happened he grabbed your waist and pulled you in for another magical kiss. "Y/N I'm so sorry that we missed prom. I'll try to make it up to you. It's just with Vulture and I can't figure out how to defeat him and" he paused and looked down. "I just feel like I can't beat him-" before he could say anything you put your hand over his mouth and said "Peter Parker if anyone can defeat the Vulture its you. I know 'You Can Peter'.

A/N I finally have the imagine up. Not my favorite but I thought it was pretty cute.
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Holland boys and Harrison X Reader Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt