A Sudden Change

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My name is (F/n) (L/n), I'm seventeen years old and I used to have a kind and caring brother named Kaito who worked for the army but then one day, Kaito was killed in battle. Since that day, my parents have been arguing constantly, working late nights so they can get away from each other and they've been ignoring me. Sometimes whenever one of them comes home, they take their anger out on me by beating me up. I used to have friends in school but, after Kaito died, I grew distant and I became a lone wolf and I didn't want them to know about what's been going on at home.

To comfort my broken and lonely heart, I play video games on my Game cube and Ps4 and I also love to draw my favourite characters as well. However, that alone wasn't enough, sometimes, I wished that I could get away from my nightmare, away from all of this pain and suffering that I'm going through.  

I was at the graveyard placing a bouquet of roses on Kaito's grave and I told him about the problems at home and how much I miss him. I sighed and I stood up from Kaito's grave and I spoke up.

"I'm gonna head home now, see ya, Kaito."

I said as I walked away from the graveyard and I got home. Once I got there, I took a deep breath and I headed inside.

"I'm home."

I said as I looked around and the house was in complete silence meaning Mum and Dad must be out working late at night. I sighed and I knew that they were going to come back late and they'll argue again, as usual. I went into the kitchen and I got some snacks since dinner was going to be late. I got a large bag of crisps and a drink of (Favourite drink). I headed upstairs and I placed my stuff and the snacks on my bed. I got changed out of my school uniform and I'm now wearing my (F/c) sleep shirt. I put on my Gamecube console and I started to play Zelda: Ocarina of time.

As I continued to play on it, I got to the water temple and I saw the mini-boss, Dark Link. I smiled at this because I had a bit of a game crush on him even though he's supposed to be the villain in the game but I didn't care. After failing about five times, I decided to take a break. I ate some of the crips and I looked at my sketchbook and I decided to finish off the drawing of Dark Link along with Ghirahim, Vaati and Ganondorf. Once I was done I smiled at my finished work and then I heard the door slam shut.

"Uh oh...here we go again."

I mumbled and then I counted down and then the shouting and arguing started. I sighed and I shook my head. I put away my sketchbook and I quietly headed into the hallway and I heard my parents arguing again.

"Shut up (Father's Name)!"

"(Mother's name)! I told you like the millionth time! I can't just leave work to deal with your mess! it's your fault!"

"Ha! that's rich from a man who's fecking useless!"

I pulled my knees closer to my chest and I lowered my head sadly. At that moment, enough was enough, so I got up and I headed downstairs and I shouted.

"Stop arguing you two!"

Mom and Dad turned to look at me and I then spoke up.

"What is the matter with the pair of you?! all you ever do is argue over some stupid and useless things 24/7! what do you guys think Kaito would say if he-"


My sentence was cut off when my Mother slapped me across the cheek. I held my red cheek and I looked at back at them and my Mother frowned at me.

"Don't you fare speak to us that way young lady!"

"Your brother is dead! you're nothing to us!"

My Prince Of Shadows (Dark Link x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن