Jon saw what she could do in the training grounds, he knew she was even better on the battle field. But if the time came where he needed to protect her, he wanted to know he could. He was becoming winded trying to keep up with her, the two found their way out into the open, yards away from the practice dummy they were near before. 

Violet once more blocked Jon's hit, and becoming frustrated he began quickening his pace, and quickening his aggression with his sword towards her. Violet never even flinched, and blocked every hit with ease. "Jon Stop" Violet said softly, trying to get him to lay down his sword. But Jon's determination to prove himself to her made him tune her out. 

When Jon didn't listen, he surely did when Violet knocked his sword from his hand and had his tunic gripped in her hands. His eyes widened when he saw her abandoned sword laying next to his and her face only inches away. "I told you to stop Jon,What is the matter with you?" Her soft voice asked him. He tilted his head and wanted nothing more than to caress her soft cheek.

"Did I interrupt something?" Someone asked close to them. Jon looked away from Violet to see his uncle Benjen standing near them with a knowing look on his face. He felt Violet let go of his tunic and reach down to grab both of their swords. She sheathed her own before handing Jon his.


"Uncle Benjen" Jon said before stepping away from her to hug his uncle; a ranger with the nights watch. She smiled watching the exchange, before she gave Benjen Stark a hug herself. She had always admired the brother of Ned Stark, he even taught the girl quite a few things with her sword. "Violet, how are you lass?" Benjen asked her. She smiled and took a step closer to Jon out of habit when he was around.

"Never better" Violet said giving both the Stark men a smile. "How is life on the wall?" she asked him. 

Benjen rambled to the two teenagers about life on the wall, the things beyond the wall he saw and why he arrived in Winterfell in the first place. "We need new recruits, we have lost ten men in a month" Benjen said with a sigh. Violet knew had she been a man, they would have asked her to the nights watch within the blink of an eye, alas she as not. But Jon was different.

"I want to join the Nights Watch" Jon said confidently to his uncle. Her eyes went wide at the thought of her beloved best friend leaving her here alone in Winterfell. The thought alone made her step closer to her friend and grasp his hand in hers. "Are you sure Jon?" She asked softly, suddenly getting a terrible feeling in her stomach. 

She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she loved the raven haired bastard beside her. And she never felt the need to speak her feelings to him, before he mentioned he might never be here again. She felt hurt that he could say something like that without even asking her opinion, they had been the best of friends since they were six years old. "There is nothing here for me Violet" Jon said, sending a stab through her heart. What was she then?

Violet dropped her hand from his and felt her eyes start to water, and that was when Jon panicked. He never saw her cry, never. "What am I then Jon?" Violet shouted back at him, they had abandoned the conversation with Benjen who had wandered off to find Ned, and were off on there own near the armory. 

"Violet I did not mean that!" Jon called after her, but she just grabbed her dagger and repeatedly stabbed the wall beside her. She felt so angry at Jon, and didn't know where to direct the fire inside of her. But the poor wall would do for now. 

"Nothing here Jon? I never thought you would be the person to abandon me Jon!" Violet shouted at him. Her cheeks were wet with tears, something completely foreign to her. She didn't know what to do with all of this emotion, and her dagger suffered the consequences when it snapped in half. "Seven hells!" She cursed and threw the broken weapon at a kiln.

"Violet I cannot stay in Winterfell, I am a bastard and we both know bastards are only good for two things!" Jon shouted back at her, striking a nerve deep inside of her. 

"I am a bastard too you know. But I am no whore! I can not join the nights watch, what do you expect me to do?!" Violet's heated voice was getting louder as their conversation went on, and she knew soon they would have an audience if they got any louder. "Violet please listen to me! It is not like I want to leave you!" 

"But you plan too! Jon you have your father, your brothers and sisters. I only have you" Violet said with pools of tears falling down her tanned skin. She loved Jon and was planning to do whatever it took to get him to reconsider swearing a life away to a life of freezing on a wall and celibacy. "Please!"


She took a step forward and rested her hand against Jon's cheek. Jon was already cold, but shivered against her touch. He just couldn't handle it much more, and stepped forward wrapping his arms tight around her small body. Her warmth immediately made him never want to let her go. They hugged each other often, but something was different in this exchange. 

Jon knew that Violet was his weakness, his only weakness being that he loved her. But Jon hated the looks he got being the bastard of Ned Stark. He hated how Lady Stark treated him like he was worth nothing, and he knew if he stayed in Winterfell he wouldn't truly be happy, even with Violet by his side. 

Violet was worth more, she was capable of more and he would put her before himself every time. He wanted her to leave Winterfell, become something great. But if Jon was there, he knew she would never willingly leave him. So he had to do the selfish thing, and leave her behind as much as it would kill him. He would miss her bright unique silver hair and her beautiful eyes the color of flowers. He would miss watching her effortless movements in the practice ring, he would miss everything about her. 

Maybe someday they would see each other again, but if they never did Jon wanted Violet to know how he felt. "I love you Violet Snow" Jon told her, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. The warmth of her body caught his lips on fire, and he wanted to kiss more south to see if her lips were equally warm. He felt Violet's body shudder under his touch, and he let his thumb graze softly over her cheek.

"You will do great things Violet, trust me" he whispered to her as he rested his forehead against hers, the height difference causing him to slightly slouch downward. "Last time I trusted you I got chased by a bear" She said, and even in the dark Jon could see her smile.

He laughed with her as they remembered the day a few weeks prior where they went hunting. Jon wanted to separate from her to cover more ground, and she trusted his judgment in the land they chose, a land she never covered before. The two ended up finding a family of bears, one of whom wasn't particularly kind to humans, and it chased the two of them for miles. Violet however killed it ,and the people of Winterfell ate well that night.

"I don't want to leave to hurt you Violet, you must know that" 

They both knew if he decided to leave it wouldn't be right that moment, but for some reason the both of them felt as if they were saying goodbye. She sighed and wrapped her arms around the taller boys neck, breathing in his familiar scent. "I love you too Jon" She said quietly, before placing her lips gently against his. He sucked in a breath in that moment losing all sense of himself. He kissed her back softly, wanting to savor her on his lips for that moment. 

But it quickly ended and Violet walked away, him feeling suddenly lost without her. But he knew if he decided to go through with this, lost would all he would feel being away from her. 

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