Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I walk down the hall and see people stare and whisper to their friend, what's this all this about? "Why is everyone staring at me?" I ask Georgie as I get to my locker, which is right by hers. "Um nothing why would you think something up? I have to go." She slammed her locker and runs off. "Okay..." I saw awkwardly.
I grab my phone and text Ash.

Tana: do u wanna meet up for lunch
Ash: can't have football practice sorry babe
Tana: it's fine I'll just go to Maggie's

I put my phone away, and walk off campus. I only have 4 periods, so I'm done with school by lunch.

"Hey Lou." I say waking in. "Hey, where is Ash?" Lou asks, leaning on the bar. "At football practice." I answer. "Can I get..." I look at the menu. "Chocolate shake with a burger cut no onions and French fries extra crispy." Lou smiles. "No I don't think so." I say. "You say that every time and than order that." She replies. "Fine." I smile handing her the menu. I was a few minutes, than Lou comes with my order.

"What are you doing after this?" She asks. "Probably going to see Ash at football practice." I answer. I finish my food, pay, and go to the truck to see Ash.

I get to school, and walk to the football field. I walk on, and no one is there.

Tana: where r u? I'm at the football field.
Ash: be right there.

I sit at the bleachers and wait. About 5 minutes later, some cheerleaders come out, each holding a sign. I look around, and see Ash standing by a girl talking to her. I get up, then I see the girls formed in a pyramid, their signs now showing with a letter in each.

I sit in shock. Ash comes up the stairs. "Will you?" He asks. "Yes!" I say, and hug him. "You didn't have to ask me I just assumed we were going together." I tell him. "I wanted to make sure everyone knew." He smiles.

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