Chapter Six

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 I sit on my bed, reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, when Georgie come in, and starts to play music. "Can you turn that down?" I ask. She looks up from a horse magazine, and turns the music up. I get off of bed, march over to her, and turn off the radio. "We need to talk." I say, crossing my arms. "About what?" She sasses. "I don't know why you hate me, or why you are making my life so miserable, but you need to stop!  This past few weeks have been hell for me. My family died! You have no idea how that feels!" I yell. "Ya I do." She says. "When I was 3, my mom and dad died in a car accident. My brother was 10, we both went to foster homes. 8 years later when he was 18 and I was 11, he was able to take me, but left me to rot in a foster home. So I ran away from my foster home, and came here." She says getting up. "So I do know how it feels." She sasses, and turns to leave. "Can we at least bury the ratchet?" I ask. "Ya" She says  simply, and leaves.



 Sorry again for not posting much, and for the short chapter. As I said last chapter, lots of family things, and I don't know if it will be resolved any time soon, so I wont post much. Maybe when U start school again, and I get my head off of all of this, I can start to write more. But I dont want to make any promises. Also, the first Heartland book of mine is almost at 3k! I can't wait!


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