Chapter Fifteen

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I wake up early on a Sunday morning, homecoming day. I smile, and her up. I take my dress out of the dresser. I hang it up and step back. It is a lilac purple color with a dark ribbon belt around. I smile at it, and Georgie comes in. "Mom and Amy are ready to do our makeup." She says. I walk out and to the bathroom. Amy and Lou are in there with make up on the counter and chairs. "Tana I'll do your makeup." Amy says.

She is like a mother to me. She is super nice and caring. We are as close as my mom and I were. I sit in the chair and Amy starts in my makeup. She puts on everything and starts on my hair. She curls it and puts it in a pony tail. "Go get your dress on." She says excitedly.

I get in the lilac dress, and black heels. I go in the living room and everyone gasps. "Wow..." Jack says. "Weird to see you in this. I remember when you were born." He says. I blush. "Ash will be here any minute." Amy says. She was right, Ash was here in 5 minutes.

"Wow." Ash says as he sees me. "You look amazing." He says. "You too." I say. "Adam is bringing me, you two go." Georgie says. "Okay. Bye." I say. We get in Ash's truck, and start to drive. "School is that way." I say. "Ya I know. We are going to dinner first." He answers. "Oh okay." I smile.

"It is super nice." Ash says. "Maggie's?" I ask as we pull up to Maggie's Diner and Feed. "Hey, Lou said I can get a discount." He laughs. "Haha that's fine I love it here." I smile. We go in and order. Ash gets some cowboy chili and I get a burger. We eat and get on the way to homecoming.

We have fun, dancing and stuff. "Now this is the last song, go get your date and we will dance." The DJ says. Ash pulls me to the dance floor. "I don't know how to slow dance." I say. "Stand on my feet." He says. I do it, and we dance. It is a slow song, nice and slow. When it ends, everyone shuffles out of the gym.

We go to his truck, and drive to HeartLand. He parks out of the house, and we just sit there. "I had fun." He says. "Me too." I reply. He turns my head to his, and he kisses me. I didn't know what to do, I know it is pathetic but I'm 16 and this is my first kiss. This is when I realized, I like Ash, a lot.


Here is another chapter to make up for my lost time. Also I might get a horse in real life, I hope! Can you comment where you live, I am really interested in knowing. Thanks again! Love you all!

Baylie <3

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