The teenage version of the illustrious Dr. Lena Luthor.

In the dream, Dr. Luthor and I were definitely more than acquaintances, and absolutely way more than just friends. And then bad things happened, we both ended up in an earthquake that sent me to what seemed like another dream. A bright place where I saw myself as another person.

It's like a dream within a dream, and how confusing is that?

Well, my life is already complicated as it is and I don't want to start my day in utter confusion because of some strange dream. I have cases to close, evidences to analyze, leads to follow, and hunt down not just criminals, but beasts as well.

Actual monstrous beasts roaming about laying waste not just in my city, but all over the globe as well...


Lena's pov

The light was blinding.

After an inconsequential amount of time in the deepest pit of darkness and deafening silence, a light shone through so blindingly. I blinked like a dozen times, adjusting my vision to this too much light.

I looked around and I saw that I was alone. Panic crept into me like spiders on my skin. I was just holding Kara's hand and now she's not here. She's not next to me right where she's supposed to be.

She's gone...

I took in my surroundings and noticed that other than being on my own, like literally it's just me, is that the place is colored white. No objects, no doors or windows, no sense of dimension. It's like a place where there's no walls or posts, and I'm not even sure what exactly am I standing on because it sure doesn't look like a floor. There's no smell, there's no sound.

From panic to fear to bafflement to confusion to piss off. Where the heck am I? Where is Kara? Is she hurt? Is she in this place too or someplace else?

As questions has risen in my head a muted shadow caught my attention and voila! A movie screen showed up out of thin air and it began streaming moving images of myself and people I came to know and was part of the life I know.

What I'm seeing now is like a deja vu. It's like that dream or was it a vision, I don't know which, but I'm sure I've seen this before.

It's me on that helicopter, being shot at until Kara in her red cape and blue suit showed up, pulling me and the helicopter into safety. Similar scenarios went on where I was a freakin' damsel in some crazy distress and Kara was the heroine that saves my skinny ass.

It's like we're different people in another time, another place.

And it's confusing me and making me upset and pissing me off and eating out my patience and sanity.

I wish I wake up and get back to reality...


I opened my eyes and reality finally struck.

Yawning, I reached for my phone on the nightstand and saw the time. Five twenty seven am. What the fuck?

I really should refrain from testing those tonics myself, it's giving me the strangest side effects there is, which is waking up this early. On a Sunday.

Wait... It's Sunday right?

I checked my phone, and boy how wrong was I. It's actually Monday, damn it. Oh well... Monday workday, the first of the week and I must go perform my duty. Time to move on and forget about strange side effects and strange dreams.

And by the way, how strange was that dream?

I was a kid, typical teenage kid going through typical teenage antics. Except for the part where I fell in love with the most unexpected person I ever made an acquaintance with.

The very dedicated and driven Detective Kara Danvers.

Okay... here's the thing. I'm gay since the dawn of puberty, but never in a million years I would be gay for Detective Danvers. We don't get along too well, especially when it concerns the cases we work together with.

But in the dream, it's quite the contrary. We were friends, then more than friends, then stuff happened and we ended up in an earthquake that sent me to another dream yet again. A dream that showed me a different version of me and people I knew of.

Nana has a term for that. Evigilans.

I know very well what that means, what it meant to my kind. But being an agent of science that I am by profession, I call it false awakening. And I'd honestly stick to science this time around, because I've been spending so much of it lately concocting potions and practice spells that I'm not so sure if will help with the current situation.

It shouldn't kill me if I try to keep some balance between actual science and ancient sorcery. It would be like a little balance between my day job and underground extra curricular activities...

----- the end -----

(also the start of something new)



Well, there isn't enough thank you for you guys who read, voted and followed this supercorp story of mine. I am so happy and sad at the same time now that it is finished.

I'm not much of a writer, really, and I'm not sure what exactly your expectations as readers are. But I sure hope that maybe somehow at some point in this fictional story I came up with, no matter how lame or tacky this was, made you guys smile or was at least entertained a little.

again, just want to say with all sincerity there is...


God Bless You All!!


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Please check out my other stories too:

- Pretty Little Love (emison fanfic)

- Bloodlust (sanvers au)

You guys might just like it. Thank youu!!

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