Part 37: The Doe In Headlights

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Mike's pov

I chickened out.

I was thinking of going to see Kara after my shift at SuperSweets but backed out even before I set foot to cross the street. Instead of going to knock in Kara's door, I found my way back to the Luthor's residence.

Dad said I didn't have to work. I can go back to school like Lena, he said. He even suggested other schools, because he knows his wife will give me a hard time if I go to Kentwood High. I refused his offer, telling him I'm not really good at school.

I really appreciate his efforts to make it up to me. But I don't think Mrs Luthor does. In fact, she doesn't want anything to do with me. She loathes mom and me big time. But I just got no better place to go.

Especially now that I'm being hounded by the boss's thugs, harassing me to do stuff so I can make up for that job I missed. After losing our house, this is the only place I can take shelter, a quiet and unsuspecting neighborhood. Besides nobody really thinks that I am in fact a Luthor, as much as Lex is, as much as Lena is...

But soon as things with the big boss calms down a bit, I'll go crash somewhere far from here...nobody else has to know that I got Luthor blood in me...


Alex's pov

"This place is huge..."

I craned my neck looking up at the fancy chandelier hanging. Outside, Maggie's place looked as typical as any family house in this neighborhood, but inside...Wow...

I've been here a couple times to fetch Maggie, but she never invited me in. This is the first time she let me inside, and boy, the house was roomy and her couch is soft, so damn soft its like a quicksand trying to swallow both of my butt cheeks  whole.

"Who else stays here with you, other than Buffy?" I asked as I pet her oversized adorable dog.

She tossed me a bag of Ruffles, slumped beside me as she handed me a can of soda.

"Before, just our housekeeper, my grandfather's going to stick around with his buddies..." She said as she pressed a button on the remote control and the wide screen TV opened up to a rerun of The Bachelor...

"Buddies? What do you mean buddies?...and why are we watching The Bachelor??"

"Those buddies,"

She nodded to the corner while stuffing her mouth with potato chips crunching loudly, at a dude in a dark jacket with sunglasses on, inside the freakin' house might I add, who was standing still. A gun holstered on his side, with his clone also standing just right behind him...

I felt my eyes fixated on them like a doe staring at headlights. They looked more like goons in some Schwarzenegger action movie, than a fancy suited bodyguards that they seem to try to appear.

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