Part 3: Something Familiar

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Kara's pov

"You have to stay for dinner, Clark,"

I could almost hear an ear to ear smile in mom's voice asking Clark to stay. Big bro dropped by to make sure we're settled nicely in our new home before he goes to Kentwood International Airport. Being a commercial airline pilot makes his appearance on the dinner table more seldom.

"This is the first time you visited us since we moved here in Kentwood City, sweetheart, and we shouldn't miss the chance to be togeher later tonight," mom said,"I already have something special being prepared in the kitchen,"

"I'd love to, Mom," Clark says, "but I can't. I have an international flight at 10 tonight, and I have some stuff to clear up in my apartment. I really have to go. Lunch was awesome though. I'm really sorry Mom,"

He kissed her forehead as he headed to the door. It's going to be a long while before he comes back again.

"Look after her, will you, Kara," he turned to me, as I was sitting on the porch strumming my old guitar, "try not to get in to too much trouble in your new school for both of your sakes, okay..."

"We didn't have to leave just because Dad left us for that tramp," I blurted out. I just can't help it anymore.

Dad had an affair, filed a divorce that Mom just recently signed and went someplace else to be with the woman he replaced Mom with. All this time I kept all the pain and anger from their split up to myself thinking that if normal people can fall in love just like my parents had, they can fall out of love too. Just like what happened to them now.

I believe Mom can handle herself because she's the strongest and bravest person I know, and I'll always be here for her. But she just can't take the memories she had with Dad back in our old house in the small town of Riverdale anymore. Taking all she have, she left behind the town where she grew up and spent almost all of her life at. She left behind almost all the things that reminded her of Dad. The only memory of Dad she brought with her is me.

I get it, her need for fresh start. It is just that I am not ready for that change. With Dad leaving, I held on to the little things that reminded me that once we were a happy family. Like the old swing and trampoline in the backyard where Dad played with me and Clark when we were little, or the old white oak tree I used to climb and get yelled at by him in fear that I might fall. Or the living room where he first taught me how to play the guitar.

All this little things kept me from hating Dad. But leaving Riverdale just made me want to leash out at anything or anyone.

" Kara!..." Clark was somewhat mortified to what I said, " please don't talk like that...I know it hurts you, what happened to mom and dad, because it hurts me too. But try to understand mom needs this,"

"Whatever, Clark. Just go fly your plane and leave. That's what you guys are really good at nowadays," I told him as I march inside and went upstairs to my room.


I wanted him to stay. But I'm too mad to say it. Clark can't miss a flight anyway so why bother. I'm just going to lock up in my room and try to drown my misery in my music.

I strummed some chords in my old-almost-always-out-of-tune guitar while I listen to some tutorials in my headphone. I tried and tried to make something original but I just find myself making cover songs. It's kinda frustrating so I just stopped and started to clear up the scatter of paper and notes in my bed. Afterall, school's about to start next week and I think I need more than seven days to prepare myself to the idea of a new campus, new queen bees and new campus jocks, new geek squads and new crowd of misfits, so might as well start right now in psyching myself that I'll be fine. I belong to neither or any of those groups anyway.

As I cleared up my stuff, I saw through my window outside a dark haired girl climb the roof of the house in front of ours. She was holding some sort of a book...wait, I think its a sketch pad, because she was holding a pen or a charcoal pencil along with it. I really can't tell from this distance. So I moved closer to my window to see what she was up to in that roof that looks so steep and dangerous to be at.

She slowly walked over to one corner of the roof just beneath the large tall tree in their yard and sat. She was looking around searching for something within the tree branches. Then she smiled. It was a pretty smile.

The kind of smile you do when you open a present on a Christmas morning and find the best gift ever, or the kind of smile you do when you just came out of a fairytale movie with the happiest ending there is. Or that smile you do you when you see a newborn husky, if you're a dog lover. Her smile kinda makes me want to smile too.

Then she opens her pad and scribbles something on it. Then she looks back and forth from the tree to her pad and made me think maybe she was drawing. Maybe a bird, or a nest, or probably both. She looked so intent with what she was doing, but she also looked kinda peaceful too.

Then, she suddenly turned her head and saw me staring at her. I was so startled I turned to the side of my window and hid. Im not sure why but I just did. Maybe it was my impulse or I guess I was embarrassed I got caught staring.

Nonetheless, I caught a glimpse of her eyes, i'm not sure if its green or blue or both. But I'm sure its magnificent. I can't say why I'm sure its magnificent, I just know. Maybe its because something about it that feels so familiar. And it's not just her eyes. It's her beautiful face too. It's  like I've met her somewhere before. Something about her that reminds me of something, but can't tell what exactly she reminds me of. I know, it's weird, but there is really something about her that feels so familiar.

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