Part 21: This Is It

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insomnia kicked me real hard right now so might as well keep going. Here's another part for you all...



Maggie's pov

What happened to Winn scared the bajeezus out of me, really. I'm terrible at this kind of situations, I just can't take it.

I won't take it anymore if anything shitty happens to anyone I care about so much. I've had enough of losing important people in my life.

Which by the way comes into perspective.

Ever since I started hanging out with Alex, I have grown to like her. She's straightforward and honest. Kind and thoughtful too.

I have nothing against Kara really, she's okay and weird as I can be, but I actually like her cousin better... And Alex is surprisingly becoming more and more important to me by the minute.

So important, she's starting to become another name to add in my scare list...


Lena's pov

This night wasn't what I expected at all. After all the fuss and the action, I'm supposed to be exhausted. But I'm not...

I'm still wired, must be all the coffee, but that's not it. I'm driving the car dad gave me, since I recently reverently acquired my license and him overcompensating for his faults, while Kara's on the passenger seat facing the window.

She's just few inches from me and I really want to reach her hand. But I can't because I'm not sure what exactly is that suppose to mean for her, or the kiss we shared back in the school rooftop, for that matter.

I don't want to give her wrong impression or worse, scare her. For all I know, Kara may have been just curious and went on experimenting.

Not to mention, Maggie and Alex are on the backseat talking about some ships. As much as I want to ignore it, butthey're talking really loud.

"Sure bellarke is cute, but let's face it, that ship's gonna be stuck in the gulf of friendzone..." Alex said.

"Maybe...but still it might just happen...I mean look at emison, paily was sailing just fine, but emison happened anyway...#endgame," Maggie said.

Somebody should really stuff some more doughnuts in their faces, they're both starting to annoy me. I mean, seriously? bellarke? And how could Maggie compare emison to paily?? Geez, these two...

"Seriously guys, that's what you're discussing right now?" Kara said out of the blue, still looking at the window.

"Ah...yeah Kara, try to keep up," Maggie said.

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