Part 22: Unbeknownst...

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Kara's pov

Okay, it's happening. We are happening.

Last night, Lena and I were k-i-s-s-i-n-g underneath whatever. I'm way too occupied to look up and find out.

All it took was a little courage to tell Lena. Okay, just kidding. It took me tons of courage to spill my heart and just tell her flat out I'm in love with her.

One moment she was trying to make sense of the way I look at her, and next she's kissing me. Then, I heard her say the unexpected.

She told me right then and there that what I feel for her isn't one sided. That she feels the same as I do. Honestly, I was expecting a brutal rejection. Instead, she told me she loves me too...

That revelation made the rest of my world shine bright like a diamond. If only we could have just spent the night together, then forget diamonds, Lena and I are the new forever.

But that's just me getting all jittery and bubbly and cheesy, whatever. Love can make you say or do things crazier than you already are. Point is, we're in love!!


Lena's pov

I now officially believe Dr. Seuss.

What he said just made sense to me. You're in love when you don't want to sleep, because reality's way better than dreams. I know for sure when I sleep, Kara will be there waiting with open arms in my dreams, but I like it better in reality.

It wouldn't be so awkward to keep holding her hand, hugging or cuddling her now since we both finally made it clear last night how we truly feel about each other. And its a huge weight lifted off my chest to tell her.

I used to feel like Atlas, carrying the world on my shoulder. But since I've been able to tell Kara anything, gradually the weight became lighter. And now it's finally off, because I've relieved myself the biggest weight of them all, one that I've been keeping in my heart for a bit while now. And that is my love for Kara...


Winn's pov

I wish Lena would come over with all of my stuff, since I got myself stuck in hospital bed for further observation per mom's request, she can really be such a worrywart. I now remember what's so important in my bag.

I stole some chick's phone last night at homecoming. I snatched it from her, shoved it in my backpack and ran around school as she was chasing me.

Another Time, Another Place (SUPERCORP AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz