Part 55: The Princess, The Prince, Or The Bastard

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Maggie's pov

"I'm sorry Mrs D... we haven't heard from Kara,"

Winn said. Kara just disappeared all of a sudden around the same time I've last heard from Alex. Apparently, Kara ran off and now Mrs Danvers is looking for her, asking me and Winn as we both dropped by the cafe, of her whereabouts.

Kara, and Alex too, both didn't text or call us, they're just gone.

I can't decide which one I'm more pissed off about, the fact that I can't figure out why those two could have gone on a runaway mission without me or Winn, or the fact that Alex just didn't bother to tell me anything at all.

"We'll let you know as soon as Maggie and I hear from Kara, Mrs D, promise..." I heard Winn say as we continued on our walk, "I can't believe Kara would run off without us,"

"Me too..." more like I can't believe Alex didn't tell me. Worse, I'm not just pissed off about it anymore...

I'm hurt, too...


Winn grabbed my arm all of a sudden after we crossed a block, startling me from my own reverie. "There's Alex!... Yo Alex!!"

I don't know why my heart started bungee jumping off my chest, but it did at the sight of Alex walking fast from the other end of the street. She didn't quite hear Winn just yet, so she kept on her pace as Winn and I went to meet her halfway.

Raking her hand on her wind blown ruffled hair, wearing gray tank top underneath that biker jacket she always rocks and carrying a backpack, Alex looked so hot... I mean... she looked like...

on a mission. She looks like she's on a mission...

Damn girl... she's messing me up.

"Yo Alex!!" Winn called out louder this time.

Alex finally heard him and looked at us. When she looked at me... well... why am I pissed off again?

"Hey guys! Glad I caught up with you," she began, "I was gonna call you guys but my phone just died. I gotta tell you something... Kara's in Midway City, she met up with Lena... And something happened,"

"How do you know? What happened?" I know Winn's gonna say that but I beat him to it.

I wanna know what happened... But mostly I just wanna be the one to ask the question to Alex...


Kara's pov

Gargoyle in fancy pantsuit that goes by the name Lillian B. Luthor let me go eventually.

I seriously thought of going to the cops right away but I remember her saying about having friends in high places. Call me chicken, but I won't get myself in another heap of trouble just yet. Not until I get out of this one at least...

I called Alex first. Told her everything Mrs L and I have discussed. She was very... I'm not sure how to describe her reaction this time. Guess, it's called calm and collected, definitely not her usual vocal reaction where she gets to yell at me for being stupid.

After I told Alex everything, she asked me to go back home to Kentwood but meet up first at her spot at the Port. I don't know what spot she was talking about, heck I don't even know how is she still in Kentwood when she's supposed to be with her mom at Riverdale by now. But she gave me an address, that clearly doesn't make sense to me, still here I am off to the train station sad, alone and broke, yet again.

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