CHAPTER 23-The Dare

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Jeff's Point of View

It's been 1 week since that day...

NiNi and I were fine...

She's acting normal...

Whenever we talk,I was the only one who's feeling akward...

Maybe because I still love her...

While she isn't...

And it hurts me a lot...

By the way...

We're in her old house...

Playing Truth or Dare...

With Liu,Masky,Hoodie and EJ...

"Now...spin it"Masky said as Hoodie starts to spin the bottle...

"Oww!Look how lucky Liu is!"EJ said and smirks at Liu."So Liu,truth or dare?"EJ said."Dare"he said...

" dirty then"he said and everybody laughs heartily including me.Liu just scratched his head and dance dirty in front of us which makes us laugh even more...

His body was really stiff!

"What the heck was that Liu?!"NiNi said while laughing then Liu sits beside her again...

"Forget it NiNi"he said in embarrassment...

"Now,spin the bottle Liu!"NiNi said as Liu starts to spin the bottle...

"Aww!Why me?!"NiNi whines which makes me chuckle quietly."Truth or Dare?"Masky said.Aww man...he's drunk...

"Dareeee!"she said excitedly."Then,seven minutes in heaven with Jeff"he said while smirking as NiNi's smile faded...

"MASKY?!"I reacted."Liu?"NiNi said while looking at Liu that seems like she's asking for a permission."No problem"Liu said while smiling...

NiNi looks at me as my heart starts to pound."Let's go then?"she said then holds my hand and we went to the bedroom...

We just sit there and remain quiet...

This is my chance...

"NiNi..."I called her so she looks at me."Hmm?"she hummed...

I went closer to her...

"Do you love Liu?"I asked her but she only looks away...

"NiNi---"I said but she cuts me."Let's not talk about it Jeff"she said while looking away...

"NiNi please...this is my only chance to ask you"I said.She looks at me and mumbles 'No'...

"I don't know"she said while looking down...

"But why?He's your boyfriend right?Why don't you know if you love him?"I said.She looks at me sadly...

"Because it was just a deal"she said while still looking down...

"What deal?"I ask while my eyebrows furrowed.She sigh before answering...

"We have a deal that he needs to be my boyfriend to know if I still have feelings for you,but it was useless!Every time that I look at him,I remember you since he looks like you"she explained while still looking down...

My heart starts to beat like crazy again...

I'm hoping...

"D-does that mean...?"I asked while shuttering until she nods."Yes,I still love you Jeffrey!I try to act like you're just a friend to me but it was really hard to do"she said.

I immediately hugged her tightly...

I feel that some tears are rolling down on my cheeks...

"You don't know how long I've wait for this moment NiNi"I said while still crying...

"And you two didn't know how long we're waiting for that love to continue!"

We look at the door and we saw Liu standing there while smiling along with Masky,Hoodie and EJ...

"Liu?!"NiNi exclaimed...

"Duh!NiNi,I've plan this truth or dare for both of you!Isn't obvious?"he said then NiNi hugs him tightly...

"You don't know how how thankful I am Liu!"she said...

"YEY!!!OUR JENI LOVETEAM IS BAAAACK!!!"Hoodie,Masky and EJ yelled which makes us smile...

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