Chapter 25

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Be respectful. Be nice. Learn to love others. Treat others as you would love others to treat you. Love yourself.

I love and appreciate each and every one of you.

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Chapter 25

"Matteo, this is Don Santiago's daughter." Adriano introduces us. Matteo's curious face matches my own. I give him a small nod in acknowledgement and he does the same.

"I didn't know he had a daughter. Nice to meet you." He says with a slight Italian accent, before completely looking away from me and focusing his attention on Adriano. "I wasn't expecting you to be here so soon."

Adriano grins. "How's your girl doing?"

Matteo sucks in a deep breath. "She'll be fine. She knows the basics of this business and she knows what she was getting into. She's a tough person."

"It was a risky thing to do you know."

Irritation starts to break through Matteo's calm, handsome face. "Women aren't fragile. They can do just as much damage and can be just as strong as a man can. Don't underestimate them, cugino." He glances at me, well, more at the cast on my leg. "I'm sure you didn't sit through such a long flight just to come lecture me about my decisions with women."

"It's not the main reason for coming so soon but it does play a part. We need to discuss what happened a couple of days ago."

A silent understanding goes on between both men. Adriano stands up, telling me to stay seated while he follows Matteo out of the room. I can't help but scoff. It's not like I was going make it very far with a semi fucking up leg. Did he expect me to start levitating around the room?

As the door shuts behind both men and the minutes pass by in silence I start to feel the silence caving. I glance around the room hoping to find a clock to tell me what the time was but none is around.

I make a mental note to get a damn phone before going back to Italy.

The silence leaves me to my thoughts, thinking about what would be awaiting me once I get home tomorrow.

* * *

At one point while waiting for Adriano to come back I had slipped off of the desk and onto the chair to take a nap. I wasn't sure how much time had passed by but when I did wake up I was no longer in Matteo's office. Strong arms were wrapped around me, carrying me to lord knows where.

I glance up and tiredly smile at Adriano's handsome face.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask with a groggy voice.

He briefly looks down at me but doesn't say anything. He comes to a stop in front of a door. After opening and entering, he walks us into an apartment. He puts me down and closes the door. "My cousins apartment."

I look around the apartment. It's bigger compared to the others in the city, probably cost a whole lot more too. The entrance faces a decent sized living room that eventually opens into the kitchen. To the right is a hallway that I assume leads to the bedrooms.

"The one we just met? Where is he going to stay?"

"He has some other place he would rather be." Adriano walks past me and I follow behind him like puppy.

We walk into a room. While he starts to open some drawers and pulls out clothes I take a seat on the bed. He comes to stand beside my spot on the bed and hands me a pair of boxers and a T-shirt with the words 'Hustle' printed in cursive letters across the chest area. "Wear these to bed for tonight."

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