Chapter 12

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If any of you ever come across a story that is obviously copying my story please notify me or tell t

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An intense silence fills the room as Adriano and I stare at each other. I feel the corner of my lip twitch as I try hard to keep myself from breaking out into a smile.

Apparently my lips had a brain of their own because no matter how hard I try to keep the smile from appearing, it appears either way.

"So." I start. "What brings you here on this lovely morning?"

He scratches the stubble of hair on his chin with the hand that wasn't on the back of my chair. He looks at me through hooded eyes. "Just paying the family a visit." He simply answers. He holds my gaze with those damn green eyes.

Just imagine he has green m&m's for eyes.

Laughing at my own childless thoughts I break eye contact with him.

"Is there something funny about my face?" He asks.

No. On the contrary, you look like you could make a women leave her man and drop her panties for you in less than 5 seconds if you asked her to.

I bite my bottom lip, still trying to keep a smile off my face.

I nearly die of a heart attack when I feel his hand grab onto my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Stop biting your lip." He says in a low voice as one of his fingers rub my own lips when I release them.

I blink a few times wondering if what is currently happening real. Knowing that what is happening is wrong I reach up and gently push his hands away.

Clearing his throat he lowers his hands down. I watch him as he loosens his tie. I want nothing more than to grab him by that very tie and pull him close to me so I that could feel just how soft his lips are.

And my God, he smelled so good. The smell of his cologne was a fuse of a woody and citrus scent. Every breath I take gives me the urge to shove my face against his perfectly tailored suit and never stop breathing him in.

Fuck reasoning right?

His eyes are now on the chandelier that hangs in the middle of the kitchen. Couldn't blame him for staring up at it though. Each crystal that hangs from the chandelier itself was probably worth more than the monthly rent a person had to pay for living in a two bedroom apartment in New York. The light that reflected off from them cast a beautiful pattern throughout the kitchen.

Neither of us says a thing out loud but damn do his eyes say enough.

I have to get myself together. There was no way that a guy I barely know could make me feel this way. It was one thing to find someone attractive but my mind was already making me think of things that I shouldn't be thinking of in the first place. Adding to that was the most important thing keeping me back; he had a girlfriend already.

She was fucking lucky.

I forces myself to look away from him for the peace of my mind. I conclude that this man was dangerous for my mind and body.

"How old are you?" I ask in an attempt to make conversation as I scoot away from him hopping to create some space between us so I could think better. Half of my butt was almost hanging off of the stool now.

He balls a hand into a fist on his knee as he watches me move away from him. Sucking in a deep breath he removes his arm from behind my stool. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his cell phone.

"Twenty one." He answers my question. It was obvious that he was trying to clear his mind just as I was by putting all of his attention on some messages on his phone.

The sound of footsteps can be heard coming from the main hallway as well as Diego's loud voice.

Adriano quickly gets up from his position on the stool. He walks around to the other side of the table and looks straight ahead at the entrance of the kitchen.

"Danny, I told you it was a bad idea to take the governors daughter with us. We were so close to getting killed by my brother." We hear Diego say.

"I just invited her, you were the one who fucked her and left her stranded at the hotel the next morning." Daniel's annoyed voice responds.

"I swear I didn't have sex with her. That girl is lying. She was drunk. You know I would never take advantage of a drunk girl. I'm a gentlemen. I had blue balls that night, man." Diego shakes his head in disbelief.

Toni was the first one to walk into the kitchen. He scratches his head while he speaks. "How about the both of you shut the hell up? The past is in the past. Next time think before you act."

He looks up as he finishes speaking and stops walking. He stares at both Adriano and me. His eyes move from Adriano, to me, and to the empty stool besides me. It was pushed back making it obvious that someone was just sitting there. He starts walking towards me as Diego comes up behind him and pushes him further into the room. He stands behind me and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Adriano, let's go out and get some drinks. That conversation we had with my cousin has me tense. We need to get out of here before he changes his mind and decides to hold us accountable for whatever those crazy bitches are accusing us of." Daniel speaks up. Diego agrees.

Adriano laughs and nods at them.

"Isn't it a little too early to be drinking?" I glance at my cousins and brother.

"It's never too early to drink." responds Diego.

Adriano moves from his spot and makes his way around the table. He glances my way as he walks by. He doesn't have to open his mouth in order for me to understand what he wants to say out loud. We'll be seeing each other again.

As he walks out of the kitchen, my brother and cousin Daniel each hug me and follow after him. Toni waits for the sound of the front door of the house to close before he grabs my chin and turns my head to face him.

"I'm going to go ahead and let you know that there are cameras in every room with the exception of bedrooms and bathrooms in this house. Guess who is head of security in this side of the mafia? I am." His tone is assertive. "I have someone watching every inch of this estate, inside and out, including my house and Tio Santiago's house in Italy. I advise you to watch what you do with Adriano." His voice holds traces of anger.

"What do you have against him?"

"I don't have anything against him" He responds to me a little too fast. Realizing this, he sighs. "I'm just happy you're with us. I don't want to see you get hurt."

Letting go of my chin, he bends down and places a kiss my forehead. He walks out of the kitchen, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

From what little I know about the mafia, everyone was family. Or so we've been led to believe from the media. Family was the most important thing to them. If you were a part of their so called family then they had your back through thick and thin.

So why did I feel like Toni and Adriano have bad blood between each other?


Who's your favorite character????????????

If you could pick one of them who would you take home???

Edited 10/11/2021

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