Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

A chill creeps past my skin and buries itself deep into my bones as my mind slowly processes what Adriano has just said. My grip on the armrest tightens as I repeat his every word in my mind.

"It was either he died or she died." He says in a monotone voice.

I stare with wide eyes and a gaping mouth at him.

The more I converse with Adriano the more aware I became that he's not just some eye candy; he's the real deal. My brain has failed to truly comprehend just who I was drooling over.

"She was a drug addict. She was slowly killing him with her own addiction."

"What?" I stupidly ask.

He runs a hand through his hair, messing it up from its previous perfected style. He finally lifts his head and meet my confused eyes with his cold ones.

"She was someone I had went to high school with. Sometime during high school she stopped going to school. Rumors were that she had a taste of cocaine and she was immediately pulled into the world of drugs. When I came to see her again it was when Toni introduced her as his girlfriend. Where he met her, I'm not sure. That was a very dark time for him. From the look of things it seemed like she was still struggling with her addiction. After spending a week around them it was obvious that she had tried almost any drug that she could get her hands on and damn did she love them." He pauses as a flight attendant offers him a drink. After taking a sip from it he continues.

"I'm not sure what Toni saw in her but he fell head over heels for her. He knew about her addiction but he thought that he could fix her. But that didn't happen. Instead, he let himself get dragged into her world of drugs. When he announced their engagement, especially after he started showing signs of drug use, everyone was against it. His parents tried to talk him out of it but he threatened to cut all ties with us if we didn't accept. No one wanted to be blamed for his hatred towards them. You're with me right?"

I nod.

"No one did anything. Well, more like they couldn't do anything without him blowing a fuse. The drugs were starting to take over his life and she took advantage of the obsession she had on him. She was selfish enough to not let him go. I've told you before that he's like family to me. I couldn't just stand by and watch as he threw his life away for that lowlife bitch; not after he ended up at the hospital from almost overdosing. I didn't care if he hated me. After that incident I took things into my own hands. While Toni was in the hospital I did what I had to do. I told Leo what I was thinking and he gave me the support to do it. I got rid of the problem."

I scratch my head as I maul over what he said. These men were brutal when they solved their problems.

"Couldn't you just threaten her or pay her to disappear without having to take her life?"

He lifts his eyebrows at me. "He would just go and look for her." He slowly says, as if my question was stupid.

I give him a tight smile. "I mean I get why he's mad. He was really in love and the drugs did nothing to help him. It's not an easy thing to come to terms with. And for some weird reason I kind of, sort of, understand why you did what you did. I don't agree with it, but I get it. How exactly did he get out of his addiction?"

"Rehab the mafia way." After saying that he waves his hand in the air, dismissing the conversation. I want to say so much more but I don't push it.

He taps my leg and says, "Are you sure you want to go back to America and have your step father see you in this condition?"

Looking down at my leg I feel guilt start to kick in. It has been a few days since I last called Chris. I knew he was worried and I wondered whether he was capable of sending someone to come and collect me. The anger and confusion I felt had prevented me from making the phone call but I knew I would have to do it sooner or later.

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