Chapter 15

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Here is another chapter for you loyal readers!

*Disclaimer* Before you continue to read please be advised that this is a work of fiction! I already know someone is going to comment something along the lines of, "But that's not how the real mafia works! That's not how blank blankity blank describes it!"

This is an imaginary story that I made up. The mafia structure and everything else is made up! It's not going to match whatever documentary and what not people watch. This is all made up.

Also, if I see one person comment on how Adriano and Clarissa are cousins I'm going to kill off all of my characters from the story. I'm not sure where I went wrong but I have never mentioned both of those to be related in any shape way or form.

Anyways! Have a nice read!!!

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                                                Chapter 15

The feeling of cool air blowing out of the airplane vent calmed my nerves. I watch the scenery from my seat inside my father's private airplane as we pass the clouds below us. A few birds glide in the air. The sea seems endless just like the questions I have in my head.

We're on our way back to my father's home in Italy. It was just Diego, Santiago, Adriano and I on the plane with the addition of five of my fathers men. We had departed in the early morning from Spain.

It took me a few minutes to part from my brother Leonardo. He had laughed at me as I cried, saying that I was being a little too dramatic about me parting ways with him. He had assured me that we would always be in touch, even when I left back to New York. Whenever he had free time he would make a trip to go visit me.

Sighing, I look away from the window and turn to the seat behind me. Diego was fast asleep on his seat. Turning away from him I look ahead, near the front of the plane at my father. He's reading some papers while whispering to a man that I was told was part of his security team.

"Are you really going to try and ignore me the whole ride to Italy?"

I try my best not to look ahead at the person in front of me. Out of all of the seats on this airplane, Adriano had decided to sit in front of me.

A nudge on my leg finally makes me focus my attention on him. I had tried my best for the first 30 minutes of the flight to avoid talking or even looking at him.

I press my lips into a tight line as my eyes meet his.

"If you're still bothered about what I said to you that night, I'm sorry." Adriano says as he swirls the liquid in his cup around. "I didn't mean to dumb my feelings on you like that."

"You were extremely drunk that night, how do you even remember what you said to me?" I respond.

"I wasn't that drunk.' He says as he shifts in his seat.

I roll my eyes. I hold back my comments on how he had fallen down from being too drunk. If claims he wasn't drunk then I wasn't going to argue with him.

From the corner of my eye I watch as two of Santiago's men walk into the pilot room while two slip out and take their seats.

"It's rude to ignore someone when they're speaking to you."

Leaning onto the arm rest with one of my arms I look out of the window again, refusing to answer Adriano. I know I was being a little mean by ignoring him but I was trying to keep myself from asking questions about how his love life. You couldn't just spill out your relationship problems to me the way he did and not expect me to feel even the slightest bit of curiosity. It was practically a real spanish telenovla happening right in front of me.

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