Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Patience. I need a lot of patience in order to deal with the two over-reacting male idiots who have taken things too far.

"Adriano, put the damn gun down." I harshly say. I tug on the front of my brothers shirt hoping to steer his attention away from Kathy. "Kathy didn't do anything that warrants her death by a gun. Maybe she's being annoying but that alone should not be the reason someone dies. You and Diego are going overreacting."

While I continue my one sided struggle of pulling on Diego's shirt, from the corner of my eye I notice Adriano slowly lowering his gun. I hear him take a deep breath and then he takes a step back away from Kathy. He turns to stare at me at the same time I turn my full attention to him. He scratches the stumble on his chin with one hand, the other still tightly holding the gun at his side.

It scares me how at a moment like this I can't help but admire just how handsome he is. He looks older than he actually is when he's deep in thought, mature even. Though it sounds a bit crazy, he appears to be a different person compared to the murderous person I saw just a few minutes ago.

I let myself relax a bit, content with knowing that at least the gun wasn't a problem anymore and that Adriano was no longer in murder mode.

"I didn't get an ounce of sleep because this-" Diego points at Kathy's trembling form " annoying person and that-" he points at Adriano, "annoying asshole argued all fucking night and I could hear it through my fucking walls! Do you know how thick my walls are?!"

Frustration takes over me. "I didn't get an ounce of sleep either but you don't see me loosing my shit over it!" I bang a fist onto his back.

Without warning, Diego turns around to face me. "Were you punching me with all of your strength? Because that felt like being punched by a teddy bear."

Stunned is one way to described how I feel. Maybe my brother has personality issues. His quick change from angry to neutral is definitely something to keep an eye out for.

Suddenly, Kathy's words of the men in the mafia being emotionally unstable starts to make sense.

"I'm sort of crippled at the moment so it's not like I can use all of my strength." I keep my tone neutral. At least his attention is no longer on Kathy.

A crooked smile suddenly graces my brothers face. He pats my head and ruffles my hair. "You're in luck! When you're body is finished healing Adriano and I will teach you how to fight and defend yourself. Wouldn't want anyone hurting you."

I open my mouth in an attempt to ask him about his sudden change in mood and change of conversation but I tear my eyes away from my brother when I notice Adriano tucking his gun into the waist of his pants. He holds my gaze for a few seconds before turning his attention to the now bored looking Kathy.

She sits lazily against the couch. She's now chewing gum loudly, her gaze roaming every inch of the living room in wonder. I found it difficult to believe that the events that just happened doesn't bother her as it should.

"I think it's time for you to leave." Adriano's deep steady voice echoes across the room.

"I'm not going anyw-" Kathy starts to protest but she quickly shuts her mouth when Adriano reaches for his gun again.

"Now." He says with finality, leaving no room for discussion.

I watch with small interest as Kathy grumpily hopes off of the couch and storms out of the living room. Adriano shoots a glance at me before following after Kathy's retreating figure. I continue to stare seconds after they have cleared the living room of their presence. I start to wonder what exactly Adriano was planning. He has finally reached his peak of patience and there is no telling what he was capable of doing.

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