Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

In my 18 years of life I have been involved in a few situations that had me feeling very awkward. And apparently I was a magnet for awkward situations, because I found myself in one right now.

I glance at Diego from the corner of my eye and catch him watching me again.

Here we were, my little new discovered family, sitting around the living room table. I had fallen asleep on the couch and woke up to the smell of food. I knew I was in for an interesting dinner when maids started walking in and out of the living room, setting up different dishes of food on the table.

My father kept glancing my way and smiling every two minutes, which was beginning to creep me the hell out. Toni and Daniel were engrossed with watching a Spanish telenovela. And Diego, well, he was already stuffing his face with food.

From an outsiders perspective we probably looked like your typical close knit family. And I guess that's exactly what they were trying to make it feel like, except I was still trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened.

The icing on the cake was how Diego made it his job to feed me, arguing that I should be resting my body. He also found it funny that I was struggling to eat with my left hand.

So between having my father smile at me every few minutes, having to watch a very intimate telenovela on t.v with people I just met, and Diego feeding me like I was a 3 year old child, I was feeling very awkward.

I lean back as Diego lift up the spoon from my plate, topped with food, and holds it up to me with a grin on his face. He laughs at the face I make. The little ass knew I hated being treated like this.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry anymore" I tell him and push the spoon away.

"Estas segura?" he asks me.

"Yeah." I force out between a smile.

He gets up from his seat and gathers his empty plate and mine. He places a kiss on the top of my head and walks out of the living room.

I need to do something to pull off this blanket of awkwardness that was wrapped around the room.

I conclude that with the way things are going I might as well go ahead and start asking questions again.

"Um, Santiago?" I skeptically say out loud. "Is it okay if we continue our conversation from this morning."

He puts his plate down and cleans his mouth with a napkin. Though they have their backs to us, I notice how Toni and Daniels body language suddenly changes. Their faces are still facing the t.v but I know for a fact that they're paying attention to our conversation.

"Por supuesto." He leans back against the couch. "What other questions do you have for me?"

"Why are you living in Italy? I mean Bologna is a beautiful place, don't get me wrong, I just find it weird that you're here and not in Spain."

He sighs and scratches his chin. "I'm here because it's easier for my business and we're not exactly in Bologna. We're in Lidi Feraresi, a beach near Bologna."

"Well that would explain the long car ride."

I adjust myself into a more comfortable position, well as comfortable as one can get with a cast on your arm and a fractured leg. "This whole situation is so weird."

He nods in agreement. "It's very weird. You landed right into our hands without us even having to try. The world is full of surprises. But I'm glad things turned out this way. At least I have my daughter here with me."

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