Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Adriano's POV

An eerie silence fills the guest room I'm currently occupying in Don Santiago's home. In front of me stands the person I once thought I would marry and have children with. I once thought that she was the love of his life, the only other person who would be able to understand my way of living and be able handle it too.

But I was wrong. Extremely wrong.

I ponder about our past. About how much her father hated me and refused to let me anywhere near her. Kathy's father had tried everything in his power to keep his little girl away from me, the trouble maker. It's comical to think about the insults I endured from her father all to be next to her. She was always rebellious and would sneak out at night just to meet up with me. We would always meet in my fathers vineyard and would stay talking under the moonlight until one of us would fall asleep.

I think back to the first night we spent together. It was sloppy, awkward and hilarious all at the same time. We were both inexperienced teenagers who thought that we held the world in our hands. That night I had told her about my families secret ties to the underworld. I told her everything no one outside of the family was supposed to know. She had panicked at first but not even a week later she was back in my arms whispering how she didn't care what I did, or what she would have to deal with so long as we were together.

We were reckless teenagers. The kind you read in books. The kind that would not get a happy ending.

I take a moment to remember all of the past memories that Kathy and I shared. When exactly did everything change? When the hell did we did we decide to throw our relationship to the wind?

The answer was simple. Something inside of us had changed. The older we got the more our mindsets changed.

Her betrayal was enough for the family to question why we were still together or why she was even breathing in general. I had told everyone it was because she knew too much and that I had forgiven her. Thought partly true, it wasn't the whole truth. I never forgave her but a part of me couldn't let go. She had known the darkest parts of me. She had seen me at my lowest. How could you let go of someone who knew you better than anyone else? It had seemed impossible.

Until I met Clarissa. Her willingness to travel across the world to find her father on her own had caught my attention. The way she knew what she wanted and didn't let people stray her away from her desires brought about a feeling that I hadn't felt in years. Clarissa was brave, full of life and smart.

I had notified how she silently observed people and how quickly she caught on to a persons personality and traits. It was a quality that helped people survive in this business. It was a quality that would help her survive.

And there was the fact that she was reckless in a smart way as opposed to the crazy recklessness that Kathy was. I never thought that I would be able to find another female, who wasn't Kathy, attractive. I never thought that I would feel something for anyone else. But I did for Clarissa.

And as I stare back at the person I once loved I know that it's finally time for me to let go of the past and move on. Kathy wasn't my future and I wouldn't hold her back anymore. I wouldn't let her hold me back anymore.

But I wasn't going to make her life easy either. Not after the way she had betrayed me.

Overall, I was putting too much at risk keeping her around. I wasn't stupid. I had already started to notice the way my men doubted my leadership. I knew they were reporting to my father. I saw the way that Don Santiago looked at me with disappointment and pity. Even Toni, my best-friend who had a reason to hate me, would constantly tell me how much of an idiot I was being. My own sister was constantly voicing her frustration over the matter.

The Mafia's Possession (Ongoing, Being Edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora