Chapter 14

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Hello! Hello! here is another chapter! I hope you all enjoy!

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Chapter 14

"UNO! I'm about to win you ugly bastards." My drunk brother, Diego, says as he stands up from his seat at the table and pumps his fist in the air.

I cover my nose as the strong smell of alcohol makes its way up my nostrils when I breath in. The dining room reeks of booze and cigarettes I can't help but feel bad for the maids who would have to clean this room in the morning.

I scoot away away from my brother, mostly from the smell but also because he scared me from his outburst. My cousin places an arm around me as I bump into him. My two cousins, my brother Diego, and Adriano had all stumbled into Santiago's home around midnight. I honestly had not expected them to come home at all but I was wrong.

Those four, or "gilipollas", as my brother Leonardo calls them, thought that playing UNO while they were drunk was the best idea ever. They had made themselves comfortable in the dinning room and decided to play the game there since it was the room closest to the kitchen. Leonardo had warned me to head on to sleep and not stick around because the guys always ended up fighting when they all got drunk together. Apparently it was tradition for them to come home, whether it was in Italy or Spain, and play board games after a night out of drinking. The problem was that while the games came to an end the loser always ended up fist fighting with the winner due to obvious cheating. However, they all went back to loving each other once the morning came around.

After trying, yet failing to convince me to go to bed, Leonardo had wished me a goodnight and headed off to bed himself. He had "important" things to do in the morning. After a conversation that I had "accidently" heard earlier, I knew that whatever he had to do in the morning involve pliers and, "ripping off someone's testicles." His words not mine.

"I have 15 cards on my hand." My cousin Daniel whispers to me as he rests his tear stricken face against my shoulders. There was no doubt that he would be losing tonight. The many tears that fall down his face and soak my white shirt are proof that he has finally come to terms with it. I attempt to console him by rubbing his back with my good hand while I bite down on my lip to keep from laughing out loud at him.

On my other side Diego laughs as my cousin Toni attempts, yet fails, to hit him with an empty bottle of Jack Daniel's. He has, to my surprise, walked from his spot on the opposite end of the table to Diego's side of the table without tripping. Apparently luck was not on Toni's side for long though as he face plants straight into the ground due to his arm swinging and missing my brother. His drunk self mumbles something as he makes no attempt to get up from his position on the floor.

On the opposite side of where I'm sitting, Adriano slams his hands down against the table making all of us turn to him. He struggles to get up from his seat, the alcohol in his system causing him to stumble. When he finally stands up he points at Diego. His body sways from side to side as if raising his hand is too much work for a drunk person to do.

"You fucking cheated you ball of crap." He says as his body tilts backwards. He grasps the air as if it would magically turn solid and keep him from falling to the ground.

I feel Daniel shake from laughter, his tears long forgotten.

"The only cheating going on around here is your girlfriend cheating on your ass with that Russian guy!" Diego snaps his response. A triumph look spreads across his face as he watches Adriano fall.

"Go suck a dick." Adriano screams from his position on the floor. Just as Toni, Adriano makes no attempt to get up. With anger he rips his button up shirt open as he mumbles, "It's fucking hot in here."

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