Chapter 24

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**Not Edited/ Not Revised**


Italy is a country that many people dream of visiting at least once in their lifetime. It's a place that's captured my heart in more ways than one. The pain I feel in my heart at the thought of having to head back home is almost unbearable. I had hoped I would have more time to spend here with my family but according to Adriano, a series of unfortunate events had occurred with his business back in New York and my father had somehow persuaded me to take advantage of the opportunity and join Adriano in his trip so that I could head home too.

"You're trying to get rid of me." I state to my father over breakfast. "You're still mad at the fact that I was in that laundry room with Nico. I swear we didn't do anything."

My father side eyes me. "I'm not mad at you. There's cameras in there so I would've been notified if my daughter was getting down and dirty with one of my employees ."

"So why send me home with Adriano? Why is he going anyway?"

He points his fork at me. "Why he's going shouldn't worry you. He has business to take care of in a few days. Lucky for me, the business is taking place in the same borough that you live in so I don't have to worry much about your whereabouts. That's why I'm sending you with him. He's going to drop you off at your door step, and he's going to pick you up when he's ready to head back." He resumes eating.

It takes me a few minutes to process what he just said. "And what if I decide to not come back?" I was really just curious as to what he would say. I've already made up my mind that I was going to come back, with or without Adriano.

Our eyes meet for a split second. "You'll be safer here in Italy with me. I'm giving you until Adriano finishes his business to get what you need from New York and say your goodbyes." He takes a deep breath. "Those men that you met last night, they're dangerous. They're capable enough to use you against me, and those you love. I need you here where I know you'll be safe. Plus, we'll be able to catch up on all of the father daughter moments we never had the chance to experience."

I wasn't planning on staying in New York either way. I had felt more at home here in just a few weeks then I ever did over there.

"So, are we talking about me coming back here to stay for just a few more months or permanently?"


* * * * * *

While I pack my clothes, I start to wonder how exactly I'm going to break it to my stepdad and mom that I'm planning to move here, to Italy, permanently. I know Chris isn't going to like it. But would my mom even care?

A knock at my door breaks me away from my thoughts.

"Clarissa, it's me." I hear Adriano call out from the other side. I open the door and let him through.

"What are you doing here?" I side eye the green-eyed devil who makes himself comfortable on my bed. He pushes a pile of my clothes to the side.

Adriano picks up a pair of my grinch pajamas, eyeing it with curiosity before tossing it to the side. "I'm helping you pack."

I walk to the other side of the bed, away from Adriano, and lean against it. "So, it's okay for you to be alone with me in my room but God forbid Nico helps me in the laundry room."

He picks up another piece of clothing, some fuzzy socks this time. "There's just something about that guy that makes me distrust him."

"He seemed like a great guy to me." I say in a teasing tone.

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