Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"If you have something to say then go ahead and say it." My father says from across the table. His eyes never leave the newspaper he's reading.

"I notice things. You keep glancing at me and you haven't touched your food." He answers my unspoken question of how the in the hell he knew I what I was thinking. "Plus, you're not that hard to read. Your body language speaks for your mind." He mumbles.

He picks up his mug of coffee and takes a sip. A few seconds later he finally put down the newspaper and directs his attention to me.

In all honesty it was creepy how he could read people so easily.

I begin to fidget in my seat. Though a handsome man to strangers, and a loving person to his family, my fathers presence alone was enough to cause both strangers and me unease. His presence alone oozed intimidation followed by his sharp calculating gaze that demanded a persons attention. Just a brief contact with his eyes was enough for him to easily dig so far deep in your mind that it was close to impossible to lie to this man.

Without much more deliberation I sit up straight and turn my full attention to him. He's smiling with amusement now.

"Adriano's girlfriend, uh, wants me to ask you to help her disappear without directly killing her." I blurt out in one breath.

"Interesting. And why doesn't she request to speak to me herself?" Amusement still fills his voice.

"You're body guards are like obsessive slash possessive girlfriends. They won't let anyone near you."

"Don't exaggerate." He frowns.

I point at the cast around my arm then at the barely visible, yellow bruises on my face. "You weren't even in the house when I stopped by and this happened." I deadpan.

He clears his throat while he lifts his coffee mug to take a drink. "So why the sudden interest in helping someone you just barely met?"

"That's the thing. I don't want to help. She was crying and I'm a sucker for the puppy eyes. I unintentionally agreed to help her. And now I don't know what to do to take myself out of this situation."

"Are you sure you didn't secretly say yes because you wanted to take advantage of the situation." He taps his fingers against the table. "Correct me if I'm wrong. You probably thought that by removing that young lady, well, I can't really call her a lady considering the things people are saying about her. But that's none of my business. So, you thought that once she wasn't around, Adriano will somehow become infatuated with you and then the two of you would live happly ever after."

The sarcasm was heavy with this one.

I shoot him a glare. "And here I thought Diego didn't inherit anything from you besides your looks. He's just as sarcastic as you are." It's hard to hide my annoyance. "But no, that's not what I was hoping for. Just because I'm attracted to the guy doesn't mean I want to live a fairy tale story with him."

My father nods at my every word. "So then you want to be something akin to a side bitch?"

That has me dropping my mouth open. "Did you just..." I can't finish my sentence from the shock.

"Cuidado, something might fly into your mouth." He chuckles. "On a more serious note." He trails off. "As much as I would like to give you everything in the world there are certain things I can't give you. Helping Kathy runaway is not something I'm willing to get involved with. There's a reason Adriano hasn't allowed her to leave." I make a move to protest but he raises his hand, silencing me. "She knows too much, Clarissa. Adriano may not love her anymore, but he's not stupid. He knows the danger our families will run into if she were to suddenly open her mouth and say more than she should. He's the only one who calls the shots in this situation. It's just how things are for us. She knew that back then so she shouldn't be surprised with how things turned out now."

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