Ch 19-- Sleepover Fort Extravaganza: Hospital Edition

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A week after the declarations of love, the boys had been closer than ever. Even the nurses could tell something was different about the boys. Both of them seemed to be doing a lot better.

Evan was released from the psych ward just a day after. Connor still needed to stay for a little longer, but that didn't stop Evan from spending every moment with Connor in his room. He even got special permission to sleep there.

The first night was one of Evan's favorite moments they'd ever shared.

The lights were turned off and the boys cuddled in bed. Evan giggled.

"Tree boy, what are you doing?" Connor asked grumpily. He really didn't do well when people messed with his sleep.

"I've just never had a sleepover before." He whispered. Connor turned around so he was facing Evan.


"No. I've never had friends before, who would I have a sleepover with?" He asked.

Connor sat up.

"All right, we've got to make this official then."

He pressed the call button and turned on the lights. A confused nurse came in, and Connor got up, walking over to her. He whispered something in her ear and she smiled before nodding and leaving. She came back in a few minutes with some extra blankets and pillows.

"Con, what are you doing?" Evan asked when Connor took the remote from the night table and raised the bed up as high as it could go.

"Just trust me, tree boy." Evan fell silent after that, watching as Connor tied blankets around the railings and chairs and kept hiding underneath the canopy of blankets. "Up." He commanded once, telling Evan to get off the bed. He helped him down, then took the mattress off the bed, sliding it underneath the sheet that was hanging in the air. Evan had no clue what was going on, so he stood in the corner of the room, since Connor had commandeered all the chairs.

After a couple minutes of Connor messing around with the blankets and pillows, the nurse came back in with an iPad and a bag of popcorn.

Connor thanked her, then shooed her out, putting the "do not disturb" sign from the bathroom on the outside of the door. Then he turned to Evan and grinned.

"Evan Hansen!" he declared. "Welcome to your first Sleepover Fort Extravaganza: Hospital Edition."

Evan grinned.

"Connie, you did this for me?"

"Of course! I couldn't let my boyfriend live in the dark for so long. Never had a sleepover before? I bet you've never slept in a fort, either." Evan shook his head and Connor clucked his tongue. "That's a shame, Hansen. I know Jared's a--" He faltered at Evan's glare. He was too pure. "A loser...but he at least should have made you a fort once."

Evan shrugged. He was glad Jared hadn't done that. He loved that his first fort was with Connor. It made it that much more special.

"So, now what?" Evan asked excitedly. He didn't know what to do during a sleepover.

"Well, if we were teenage girls, we'd do each others hair and makeup and sing karaoke all night. But since we're not, I made you popcorn and we can watch a movie in the fort."

Evan bounced up and down.

"I saw this in a movie once! I'd always wanted to do it."

Connor couldn't help but laugh at how childish Evan was acting. He was just the cutest. He had the strong urge to kiss Evan, so he set the popcorn down and took three steps to Evan before smashing his lips against his. Evan sighed and kissed back, running his hands through Connor's hair. Connor loved when he did that. Evan's hands moved down his back, and started playing with the hem of his shirt. Connor smirked and in a swift movement, took it off, throwing it somewhere. He didn't care.

Since the boys were occupied, they didn't hear the door open, but they sure noticed when someone started talking.

"Really, Connor? 'Do not disturb'? What are you--" Heidi had been trying to get the card off the door, so she didn't see what was happening in the room until she looked up. "Oh, gosh." She turned around, turning as red as the boys were. Connor quickly searched around for his shirt and realized it was hanging off the edge of the TV above Heidi. He tried to reach for it, but it slipped between his shaky fingers, landing on her head.

"What the..." she pulled it off and looked at it. Upon realizing what it was, she choked. " is yours." She held it behind her, still squeezing her eyes shut. Connor grabbed it, mortified. He pulled it on as quickly as it came off.


"Nope." Heidi said quickly, shaking her head, still facing away from them. "We will never speak of this again. I just ask that you boys be safe." With that, she left the room, not looking back. She made sure to put that 'do not disturb' sign back on.

Well, who thought it was for real? She thought Connor was just trying to be funny! He played pranks on the nurses from time to time, she thought that was one of them!

Connor coughed.

"That was the most awful thing I think I've ever done." Connor was blushing hard. He didn't usually blush, but this time he was so embarrassed.

"Yeah?" Evan said in a small voice, eyes wide and fixed on the door. He stared at it, horrified expression on his face. "At least it wasn't your mom." His voice cracked on the last word, breaking the spell both boys had been in. They started to laugh it off.

"What a great start to a sleepover, huh?" Connor asked, taking Evan's hand and pulling him under the fort. Evan looked around, impressed at how Connor made do with the stuff he had in the hospital.

There were pillows against one of the walls and blankets in little nests everywhere. He felt the squish of the mattress under him, and Connor had even pulled the bench mattress over to give them more room.

"This is amazing, Con." Evan said. He gave Connor a peck on the lips, causing Connor to swell with pride. It wasn't his best fort, but he did well with what he had. The fact that Evan liked it so much made it his favorite.

"C'mon, lay down." Connor said, patting the space beside him. Evan did as he was told, and Connor spread a blanket over them. "All right." He powered on the iPad. "Let's see what movies this thing has."

They decided to watch cartoons, because both boys remember watching them when they were younger. Since they were getting in touch with their little kid side, they decided it was perfect.

Evan cuddled into Connor's side for warmth, because the ground was freezing, even with all the blankets they had. Connor slid his arm around him; he wouldn't have it any other way.

An hour into watching different shows they both liked, Connor noticed Evan was sleeping. His head was resting on Connor's chest, with one hand over Connor's heart. The other was snuggled against him, causing his face to squish adorably. Connor just watched him for a minute, wanting to remember this moment. Eventually, he grew tired too and leaned back to fall asleep.


Uhm, I think this is definitely my new favorite chapter. It's just adorable. Why won't a cute boy make me a cute fort???

Sorry I didn't post the chapter until this late, I got caught up talking to a friend, just this girl I know from my swing dance club who I've had one real conversation with. We don't even talk when we see each other. She texted me with a question at 3:00 and then we literally talked until almost 10:00. It was crazy. (We bonded over a love of broadway and Ben Platt. I mentioned how Ben wore a tshirt to the Grammys and she actually understood and knew what I was talking about and went on the same rant I do. It was honestly wonderful. We love all the same musicals.) She asked me to tell her a secret I've never told anyone before and I told her that I like to write and that I'm auditioning for a musical (Into the Woods) next week :O I still have no idea what song I'm going to if anyone has any suggestions of songs for sopranos, I'd appreciate that lol 

Also if any of you theater people have any tips, for like how to stand out and be awesome I'd appreciate that too, because I've never really auditioned for anything before and I'm like super nervous. :D thanks 


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