Ch 10-The Text

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Connor sat on the ledge, composing notes to the people he loved.

So, just to Evan.

Besides Evan, no one would care that he was gone. His family might celebrate. People at school would throw a party. No one would have to feel burdened by him anymore.

He was doing the world a favor.

He lit one last cigarette and puffed away at it. If he was going to die, he was going to die feeling good.

There was no point anymore.

Evan hated him. He didn't want to be his friend, he didn't like the thought of being more than friends.

Before he could think better of it, Connor pulled his phone out.

He started composing a text to Evan.

"Even though it probably won't matter to anyone, I just wanted to say goodbye. You are my favorite Tree Boy and the best friend I ever had. Please don't be sorry, it's better this way. Don't let anyone miss me.
~Sincerely Con"

He wasn't in the right state of mind, and he pressed send without thinking about it.

Almost immediately after, he received a call. He pressed the green button.

"Helloooo?" He greeted, then giggled.

"Connor?" Evan's raspy voice spoke from the other end.

"Yes, but it not for looong."

"Connor, where are you?"

Connor shrugged, but when he realized Evan couldn't see him he laughed.

"I'm flyin' high."

"Connor, you need to come down." Evan pleaded desperately. "Tell me where you are, I'll come get you. We'll get through this."

"No, no, no. You don't have to-"

"Yes, I do."

"NO!" Connor shouted. "I don't want to be an inconvenience. I've caused too much trouble in my life and it's going to end. I don't want to bother anyone anymore. Don't worry about me."

"Well, it's too late, Con. I'm already worried about you. I'll always be worried about you." Evan tried to keep the emotion out of his voice. "Can you please tell me where you are? I want to see you."

"I guess. Ya know that bridge on Fifth Street?"


"I'm up there."

"U-up there? W-where the cars are?"

A big truck whipped past Connor, causing his sweatshirt to blow in the breeze and his hair to fly into his face.

"Yep. It's nice up here. It's a nice view."

"Okay, well, I'm a few minutes away." Evan puffed, riding his bike as fast as he could with his one good arm and his phone pressed to his ear. "Can you hang on until I get there?"

Connor shrugged again.

"I guess so. I don't know why you'd want to see me, though. I'm just a big ol' gay disappointment."

"No, you're not Connor. You're wonderful. You're funny and, and you're kind and you matter."

Connor scoffed.

"You're only saying that."

"No, I really mean it, Con. You're my best friend, you mean the world to me." You're my whole world, and you're everything to me.

"Well..." Connor started to feel bad. If Evan really meant that, when he was gone, that would be hard for Evan. "Well, maybe you should find a new best friend. Find someone who's worthy of you. Someone who's actually good, and...and..." He started crying even though he didn't want to.

"Connor, please d-don't think like that." Evan sobbed, pedaling faster. He took deep breaths so he could keep talking to Connor. He needed to keep him on the phone. "I'm almost there. We can talk through this, okay? You are good. You're special and important, and--"

"Then why does my family hate me, huh? If I'm so good, why do they treat me like the villain?"

Evan was at a loss for words.

"I don't know, Con. Maybe because they're..."

Connor heard a crash from behind him and looked around. Evan had arrived. He threw his bike down in the middle of the sidewalk and rushed over to him.

Connor was sitting on the edge of the bridge, just waiting to pitch himself forward. It was only going to be a matter of minutes until he did it. But then Evan had to go and call him. He never should have sent that text. He felt so stupid!

"Evan, I..."

"Connor, please come down. I'm really scared, and...I need you." Tears were streaming down Evan's face as he pleaded with Connor.

"I--I can't, Evan. It's too much!" His eyes were blinded by tears and he tried to blink them away, only more took their place. "I just, I feel so alone and hopeless. Like I can't do anything right and that no one cares if I'm here or if I'm gone and...and..." Evan took a step forward, holding his arms open, inviting Connor to just reach out his hand. Connor hesitated before swinging his legs over the side and falling into his arms. Evan stood there, wrapping his arms around his friend and rubbing small circles on his back. Connor put his arms around Evan's neck and sobbed into his shoulder.

"You were wrong, Con. Someone would care. You're not alone, and if you let me, I can be by your side so that if things get too much, we can do it together." Evan whispered into his ear.

Eventually he stopped crying and looked into Evan's eyes.

It felt as if the world stopped. Cars stopped speeding past, the wind blew the trees slowly. It was just him and Evan, standing in that one place.

Connor leaned forward, his eyes beginning to slide shut as he prepared to kiss Evan.

Evan couldn't believe this was happening. Connor Murphy wanted to kiss him! He was going to do it.

He moved forward, more than ready, when from the corner of his eye, he saw a biker coming down the hill.

Evan had switched places with Connor earlier, positioning himself by the bridge and Connor onto the sidewalk, just in case. His bike was thrown on the ground a couple feet from them, but the biker wouldn't see it.

He pushed Connor out of the way just in time for the biker to crash into him.

The world went black.


Hello everyone!! Sorry my update is a day late, I was busy babysitting 17 children yesterday. Not an exaggeration, there were actually 17. It was...interesting. I'm going to try to post something in the middle of this week to make up for it. :)


IM GOING TO SEE DEAR EVAN HANSEN TOMORROW AND IM LITERALLY FREAKING OUT. MY HANDS WONT STOP SHAKING AND IM SO EXCITED. I went to the store the other day and bought those mini packages of tissues for when I'm there. I'm prepared, y'all.

Have a happy new year, I hope 2018 will be better for you than 2017, I know at least my year sucked. Here's to a better year!


Fell in the Forest ( A Dear Evan Hansen Fan Fic )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora