Ch 6- Sleepover Pancakes

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Connor wakes up to the sound of a door opening and closing. He blinks and looks around, wondering at the unfamiliar environment.

It's only when he looks down and sees the sleeping boy resting on his chest that he remembers what happened.

Somehow during the night, Connor must have stretched out, because he was lying in between the back of the couch and Evan, and he had his arms wrapped around the boys shoulders. Evans head rested on his chest. It was actually very comfortable, he noted.

He heard an sound from by the door and looked up. His entire body tensed as he waited for the wrath of whoever it was, but he saw it was Heidi, and she had her hand pressed to her chest and a dopey smile on her face.

She looked at Connor and winked before heading into the kitchen. Connor laid back down, unable to express how grateful he was that Heidi is so cool about this. He knew his own parents would not be this accepting, and if this had happened at his house, Connor was certain he'd never be allowed back.

Evan rolled over, so he was facing Connor. He was still asleep, and Connor saw a little bit of drool collecting in the corner of his mouth. What a cutie.

A lock of Evans hair fell forward and Connor brushed it away. Evan smiled in his sleep and that caused a rush of butterflies to Connors stomach.

He closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep, content and happy with his Tree Boy in his arms.

A bit later, said Tree Boy woke up and looked around. When he opened his eyes, he found himself face to face with a sleeping Connor. He felt something around his shoulders and realized it was Connor's arms. Instead of causing him to panic, he thought it felt nice. He could get used to that.

Whoa, wait. What?!

What am I thinking? Why does this feel fine, but talking to Zoe, just talking to her, caused an insane amount of anxiety. I've always felt this strange calmness in Connor's presence. Could that mean something?

He felt really warm all of a sudden, and realized that he was covered in a blanket. He went to move one of his feet out from underneath the covers, but realized his legs were trapped.

They were tangled with Connors.

This got to be too much for Evan. He quickly sat up, ripping himself away from Connors grasp. Connor sat straight up and starting speaking gibberish, confused as to what was happening.

"Evan?" he mumbled, rubbing sleep from his eyes, but Evan had already stood up and bolted into the hallway. He found refuge in the bathroom, and shut himself inside. He plopped down on the worn blue rug on the floor and put his head between his knees so he could think.

What was going on with him? Why was he thinking weird things, and imagining him and Connor...together...

Evan likes girls. He knows he does. Zoe, he likes Zoe. Because....because she's pretty and nice and doesn't make fun of him.


He feels awkward around her.

But I feel awkward around everyone...


Not Connor.

Just stop it, stop it!

He sat up when he heard a knock on the door.

"Evan, honey, what's wrong?" Heidi whispered through the door. "Is everything all right?"

Fell in the Forest ( A Dear Evan Hansen Fan Fic )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें