Ch 5- Connor's Dating Advice

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I gotta do my authors note first so I can apologize for the picture. I thought it was clever. (Why am I like this?!) 🤓


Evan rushed to the door, hoping it was Zoe. He opened it wide and wasn't disappointed.

But now he has a problem.

Now he has to talk to her.

"I...uh...uh...hi." He stammered. She's going to think you're stupid. Have you never talked to a girl before, Hansen?

"Oh, hi. Evan right?"

"Evan?" She gave him a look.

"That's your name, right?"

"Oh. Y-Yes. It's Evan. Sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"Well, it's just because you said, Evan, and then I said, I repeated it, which is, that's so annoying when people do that. I'm sorry."

"You apologize a lot."

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Evan blinks. "I mean, you know what I mean."

"Right." She looks past him at something inside his house.

"Connor, keys. I have to get to the mall. You made me waste all this time coming over here, and now I'm going to be late."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He rolled his eyes and dug around in his pocket for the car keys. When he found them, he tossed them to her and she caught them over Evan's head, as he was still standing in the middle of the doorway, unable to move.

"I'll see you later."

"I'll text you when I need to be picked up!" Connor hollered as she walked down the driveway.

"Maybe I'll come get ya!" She called back, waving to Evan as he stared after her.

Evan shut the door as soon as Zoe pulled away, regretting the fact that he didn't say anything to her before she left.

Strange. He thought that actually meeting her and talking to her would be different than it actually was. Not that he really talked to her, but he was expecting something to be there.

But it wasn't.

Connor started laughing.

"Tree boy, that was pitiful." he teased. "Really, I mean, is that how you pick up girls?"

Evan scowled.

"Well, I don't know. I've never...done that before."

"What, picked up a girl?"

"Or, you know...Talked to one." He mumbled. He glanced up at his friend, hope twinkling in his eyes. "How do you get girls?" he asked.

Connor smirked.

"I don't." He plopped down on the couch. "I'm gay."

Evan gaped at his friend.

"Really?" Connor nodded. Yes, he was definitely gay. For a certain anxiety ridden tree hugger of a boy in a cast.

"Oh." Evan sat down next to him. "That's cool I guess."

"Yep, you're the first person I've told."

"Really?" Evan gasped. "Wow, thank you Connor."

"For what?"

"For trusting me enough to tell me."

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