Ch 3- It's A Friend Thing, (You Wouldn't Get It)

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Connor came to visit him every day he was in the hospital.

    On the weekend, he was there when visiting hours began at 7am, and he left when they ended at 5pm. When he was in school, he came afterwards, because Heidi caught him trying to skip one day to spend it with Evan and promptly sent him back.

    On his second day in the hospital, Connor walked in smiling.

    "Hi, friend." Evan greeted. Connor nodded and sat at the edge of his bed like he lived there. But Evan didn't mind. That's what friends did, right? (Right? Because he'd never really had a friend before, so he wasn't sure.) 

    "How was school?" Evan asked. Connor responded by groaning and falling backwards on the bed, arms hanging over the edge. Evan laughed at him. "Come on, Con, it couldn't have been that bad..."

    Connor went still, then lifted his head to look at Evan.

    "You called me Con." He said.

    Evan paled. Was that wrong? 

Should I not have said that? Don't friends call each other by nicknames? 

How would you know that, you've never had a friend. 

Well, you have Jared, but he won't even call you a friend. He never called you anything special. 

Connor's still looking at him as he panics. Connor realizes what's happening and puts his hand on Evans foot, the closest part Connor could reach. Just his touch calms Evan a bit and he starts breathing.

    "It's okay, I like it." Connor assures him.

    "Oh, okay, becauseIwasn'tsureiffriendsreallydidthatlikegiveeachothernicknamesornotso-"

    Connor's eyes widen.

    "Whoa, dude. Take a breath in there. It's okay."

    Evan inhales and nods.

    "Right. I just...wasn't s-sure if friends actually d-do that kind of th-thing."

    Connor shrugs.

    "It depends on the friends, really." Connor was about to say something about how usually guys don't do that kind of thing, but he knew Evan would freak out and he really enjoyed the way it sounded coming from Evan's mouth, so he left if alone. "Now I need one for you."

    Evan blinked.

    "Uhm...sometimes you call me Ev?" He suggested.

    Connor stared at his face, shaking his head slightly.

    "No, it needs to be something else..." His face lights up and then he smirks.

    "C-Connor?" Evan gets a little nervous at the look on his face, but not nervous like anxious nervous, more like nervous as in he knows Connor well enough to know that expression can't mean anything good. "What's wrong?"

    "Nothing, Tree Boy. Nothing at all."

    Evan glares at him and Connor cracks up laughing. He laughs so hard he almost falls off the bed and a nurse ran in the make sure everything was okay.

On Evans fourth day in the hospital, while Connor was visiting again, another person came.

The door opened and the two boys, who had been playing a card game on the bed, barely bothered to look up at the person who walked in. They figured it was another nurse.

"Go fish." Evan giggled, knowing how mad Connor got when he didn't get a match. As expected, Connor scowled and smacked the bed.

"You're cheating, Tree Boy. I swear it."

"N-no I'm n-not!" Evan stuttered, but this time it was from laughing too hard.

"Wow. I've never seen anything more GAY in my entire life!" Evan looked up and gaped at Jared whose mouth hung wide open.

"J-Jared!" Evan squeaked. His face turned bright red and his hands started to get clammy. Evan glanced at Connor who seemed only mildly embarrassed by the accusation.

"What's gay about two boys playing go fish in the hospital?" Connor asked, leaning back on his hands and leveling a look at Jared.

"Connor Murphy?" Jared yelled. He glared at Evan. "What the hell is Connor Murphy doing here? This kid is crazy!"

Evan frowned.

"Jared, that isn't true. Connor is great. Just because one time he threw a printer at a teacher once doesn't mean he's psychotic. Connor is my friend and if you can't accept that, y-you sh-should leave." Evan started out confident, but after realizing how defensive he got and that he was actually yelling at someone, he started to panic. What if Jared hates him? He might never talk to him again. Jared's parents were friends with Evans mom. What if he told them and they told his mom? Would she yell at him?

"Wow, Evan. I've never heard you talk without a stutter for so long." Jared pointed out.

"I-Im sorry." Evan apologized. His eyes stayed glued on the cards in his hands. He couldn't make himself look at Jared or Connor. They would hate him. "I-I didn't m-mean to y-yell. I'm s-sorry." He barely was able to whisper out the last apology.

"Dude, don't apologize. You're ruining it." Connor says. Evan can hear the laughter in his voice and risks a glance at him. Connors got that bright smile on his face and he doesn't seem that upset. Even Jared doesn't seem angry. He seems impressed if anything.

"Wow, Evan. If we knew getting you a boyfriend to defend would give you a backbone, we would have-"

"Connors not my b-boyfriend!" Evan protests. He sees the flicker of emotion across Connor's face but can't analyze it in the short time. He ignores it and focused on Jared instead. Jared smirks and glances at the two of them.

"Yeah, okay...tree boy."

After that, Jared got banned from the hospital until Evan was discharged and Connor was sent home for the day. Connor got jealous of Jared using his special name for Evan and he jumped on him and started beating him up. In a moment of clarity before the panic set in, Evan managed to push the call button for the nurse. When she walked in, Jared had overpowered Connor for a quick moment and the nurse assumed Jared started it. Of course Connor didn't protest and Evan was too upset to mention otherwise. No one listened to Jared's objections.

And, deep down if Evan had been forced to state who started it, he might have lied for Connors sake because he enjoyed the company of his friend the most.


And there you have the first three chapters of my book. What do you think so far? 

How do you feel about the references lol I love references, so keep a look out for them. :) I'm not sure when I'll be updating, I'm on break from school for the next week so I'll have more time but when I go back to classes, I won't be able to update as much. 

anyway, I love when people vote and comment, it literally makes my day, so please do that :) 


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