Ch 4- Forests, Disk Four

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Evan was in the hospital for only a week, but he was relieved when he was able to go home. They kept him so long because they wanted to try a new medication for his anxiety and they needed to monitor him to see how it would affect him.

When he was being discharged, he'd already changed into the clothes his mom brought from home. A tissue fell out of his pocket and he suddenly remembered something.

His notes were still in the pocket of his old clothes.

His suicide notes!

If his mom found them, she would be destroyed.

In the middle of his freak out, Connor walks in. Noticing that Evan isn't breathing like he should be, Connor rushes to his bed and takes his hand.

"Come on Tree Boy. You'll be fine. In for four, hold, out. There ya go." With this thumb, Connor rubs small circles on the back of Evans hand until he calms down. "Now tell me, what's wrong." Connor whispers.

"I...It..." Evan feels tears spring to his eyes and blinks them away. "The d-day I fell...I-I had written..."

Connor's eyes widen.

"Oh! Yes, I figured you might have done something like that before climbing up there, and after I called the ambulance, I checked." Connor reaches into his pocket and pulls out three pieces of paper. Evan froze.

"Y-you found them?"

"Yeah." He looks at the floor, blushing slightly. "I-I didn't read them, or look at them or anything." He lied.

"Oh, okay." Evan takes them when Connor offers them to him. Making a quick decision, he rips them up and throws them into the trash bin next to his bed. Connor smiles slightly.

For Evan, ripping up those notes meant he wouldn't need them anymore. He smiled back at Connor.

Because now, he had a reason to stay. Sure, things might be tough sometimes, but now he had someone to help him through it.

Both boys were speaking through their smiles, and didn't notice Heidi walk in. She cleared her throat and Evan glanced over at her, quickly sitting up and Connor stood shakily.

"H-hi, m-mom."

"Hey, honey. Are you ready to go home?"

Evan nodded.

"Okay, let me go clock out, then I'll come back. Are you going to come with us, Connor?" She asked.

Connor looked to Evan.

Evan really wanted him to come over. It would be nice to actually hang out with his friend not in the hospital.

"Yeah, that would be good." Evan nodded. Connor tried to hide his smile as he turns around to look at Heidi. She gives him a knowing wink and walks away.

Connor blushes intensely. Gosh, his crushes mom can figure it out, but his crush can't tell. Of course.

Connor and Evan wait a few minutes for Heidi, and she returns hesitantly making her way in.

"Evan, honey, I'm really sorry, but-"

"Y-you've got to stay and w-work." Evan guessed.

She nodded sadly.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie. I was really hoping I'd get to come home and stay with you. But Sophie's daughter is sick, and I-"

"It's f-fine, mom." But Evan looked away, and Heidi knew how much it hurt him.

Fell in the Forest ( A Dear Evan Hansen Fan Fic )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن