Chapter 20 - Jungkook

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He run,run as hard as he can to nowhere he don't even know.All he know is,he need to run away.Run away from the reality that Yoongi is going to leave all of them.Not suicide.And this time,he know greatly,that he cannot save him from his death anymore.And that facts just hurt so much to be accepted for him.He can't,he don't want to lose him!Running outside to the hospital garden,being greet with heavy rain,but he simply didn't not care about it at all.Standing under the heavy rain,letting those waters soaked his clothes.

"Maknae!" Hoseok came in the view by holding Jungkook shoulder,grabbing is hard as he try to catch his breathe as he is not really good with sports like him.Jungkook swing his shoulder away,avoiding Hoseok to stop him as he wobble under the rain,eyes hardly can make it clear.

"Maknae!What are you doing!?You will get yourself sick!" Taehyung shout as he and Namjoon run into the scene trying to pull Jungkook and Hoseok away from the heavy rain.

"Just leave me alone!" Jungkook shout annoyed.

"Maknae come on!We don't want you to get sick." Namjoon said stern trying to hold his arms but again,he swing it away annoyed as tears keep pouring but no one can really see it,as the rain help him hide it away.It doesn't feel so bad crying under the rain.Almost as if the water drop understand the pain he is going through.

Jungkook look to the sky,closing his eyes as he let the water hit his bare face and wipes away his tears.He felt so cold,and somehow he feel comfortable being in a cold place.He try to concentrate on the wonderful comfort the rain was giving him.Until he realizes,he can't open his eyes anymore,because the pain help him to have a sleep,for a while.Jungkook let his body fall panicking all his remaining hyung.

"Maknae!" Taehyung shout as he caught the younger.

"Oh crap!He fainted!" Hoseok shout as Taehyung quickly carried him away to under the roof,hiding away the comfort Jungkook was having.

' I...Why heavy...Hyung?' Jungkook mumble as he heard his hyung sound,but no matter how hard he try,he can't bring the words to come out.His mouth feel heavy,just then,Jungkook was drove to the darkness.


In the room,Yoongi was trying his best to not let everyone concentrate on the facts of him dying.Suddenly,the silences was interrupted with opening doors rapidly from Namjoon receiving everyone attention in the room.Namjoon walk closer to Jin,as he pass a sad smile to Jin.

"Maknae fainted.." He said low but loud enough for Yoongi to heard.

"What?What happen?!" Jin ask shocked.

"He soaked with rain." Namjoon said and Jin sighed.Jungkook is always Jungkook.Stubborn as always.

"You should go and checked on him." Yoongi said as he smile to Jin.

"No.I'm staying here.I don't want to leave you from now on." Jin said stern.

"Hyung..You should go..Jiminie too...go check on him...I'll be fine here...Nayeon is here with me." Yoongi said trying to assuring everyone.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes ok.Nayeon,look after him for a while.I just want to check on Jungkook." Jin said and Nayeon just nodded before everyone leave the room.

" are thinking about how to leave everyone again..right?" Nayeon ask making Yoongi look at her,look like she know him much more than he thoughts.

"I'm just telling.I'm not letting you go.I don't care what.And I'm sure,none of them will let you go." Nayeon said stern.Even though Yoongi is protective,sometimes someone have to tell him when to stop protecting someone for his sake.

"I'm just protecting everyone." Yoongi said stubborn.


Days go by,and Yoongi and Jungkook didn't even saw each other anymore.Even though Jungkook is now recovering,he just refuse to see Yoongi,for the reasons he can't see him without crying.Yoongi feel sting in his heart,but he know that is for the better.Jungkook will suffer the most when the time comes because he is the closest to him.Yoongi nowadays,just don't know how to communicate with everyone.He just feel so disconnected with everyone.

He try to act fine and normal,just like the usual.But,the way everyone look at him is full of pity that sometimes make he want to vomit out of too disgusted with himself.Everyone doesn't really realize his changes,everyone just thoughts maybe all of them knowing his disease make Yoongi become comfortable and happier when the truth is not.He is suffocating with the facts bunch of people he love will have to struggle with pain they didn't even deserve when he is gone.

He laugh,he smile,he try to act casual,but at the end of the day,when everyone goes home,he was left with feeling alone in this big white room that only have few furniture to accompany him.After agreeing going home to have a short rest,Yoongi lay on his bed as his sight stuck to the ceiling above him,but his thoughts was disturbed when a doctor walk in.

"Anyeong Min Yooongi-sshi?How are you feeling?" The doctor ask as Yoongi positioning his body on the bed properly as he smile at the doctor faintly.Totally tired to fake the smile anymore today.

"I'm here,to tell you about your condition." She said and Yoongi sighed out.Not ready at all to heard his health condition.

"We are trying to find a donator for bone marrow so we can help to save you but for now,there is no donator available and you need to keep in with the chemotherapy session.According to your MRI,your condition,doesn't look good.It's seems like the cancer spread a bit too fast from usual Leukemia patient.We are trying to find the donator as fast as we can,but if we can't,we are really sorry to say,you have few weeks left to stay.Your body cannot stand the pain.Especially with depression and high anxiety that increase your stress." The doctor said being caution with every words.

Yoongi crack a laugh.He is laughing when he heard the facts he was going to die in few weeks.The doctor look at him with worry eyes as even if Yoongi was laughing,his eyes was glittering,signalling its getting teary.

"I'm really sorry..You are a child with bunch of talents.You should be out there enjoying your life.Fate sometimes just cruel." The doctor said as Yoongi wiping his tears with smile on his face.

"Don't worry.You had done your best!" Yoongi said with a sincere smile assuring the doctor.

"I'll keep the searching for your dreams Yoongi-shhi.I'll try." She said before walking out leaving Yoongi in the room alone again as the darkness swallow him inside it.

'I guess,this is it.For everyone.' - Min Yoongi

💮 Author notes : Well again,that escalate faster than I thought.Don't get me wrong with other author.I'm not the type that love to make happy ending.It doesn't exist in reality,Cinderella.I know I'm psycho.Well...Love you even though maybe you never did. 💮

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