Chapter 17 - Two Side

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Min Yoongi open his eyes up,to meet darkness with a shady light from the window.He look around to find someone sleeping beside him on a chair.Laying back his head on the pillow,he recalled back all the memories before he passed out and he sighed heavily.

'Just when will all this end?'

'Just when,until the pain is enough?'

Yoongi attention was pulled toward a light from an electronic gadget on the side table.He slide slowly toward the light and grab something he thought Ipad and he look at the notifications on the front screen.Yoongi open the code,to see an article people who read it before probably forget to closed it back and he read as he saw BTS pictures around.As he reach the end of the article,Yoongi was left speechless as his mouth gone dry.His hand shake so much.He suddenly felt this urge of disgust and fear in him.He processed it slowly to read the comments section ,hoping someone positive comments about him exist there.


And what the most horrible things he read before the Ipad fall from his grip is...

I hope Min Yoongi do everyone a favor and kill himself.

"Shit..shit...shit!" Yoongi said last before he throw away the Ipad and shocked the person who was sleeping,who is Jungkook.Jungkook was panicking why Yoongi suddenly cried but then he saw the Ipad on the edge of the bed and he slowly took it and read what Yoongi done reading.He put the Ipad on the table before look at Yoongi and slide closer to him.

"'s ok..It's ok...We will fix it..I will fix it..." Jungkook said comforting the others.But Yoongi just shake his head violently.

"Nobody is going to loved me.I lost everything!I lost my carrier,my family,my friends,my everything!I am so fucking useless that I feel so disgusting with everything!I hate myself." Yoongi said as he cried harder.

"Hyung...don't cry..don't cry will get sick..." Jungkook said worry as tears was threatening to fall from his eyes too.

"You know?That feeling of emptiness when you are just done.Done.Totally done of all the bullshit.I can't do this anymore.I can't.I don't know how to!All I ever can think is I'm just a burden.I don't deserve it here.Nobody will ever care if I was found dead at all!Nobody care if their words hurt me.Nobody care about me!" Yoongi said frustrated as he cry.

"I can't!I can't do this anymore!" Yoongi shout as his breathe was starting to get really uneven and at the same exact time,Hoseok walk in the room with coffee in his hand but he quickly run and put the things on the table when he saw Yoongi crying.

"What's wrong?" Hoseok ask calmly as he hold Yoongi body.

"Hyung keep blaming himself.He saw the article." Jungkook said pale.Hoseok look back to his hyung,his hyung who before this was the one who motivated him,the one who gave him hope,till he called J-Hope.Hoseok slowly bring his hand to Yoongi hair,then gently caress them as he calm down the older.

"It's going to be ok...hyung..." Hoseok said as he let Yoongi lay his head on his chest,crying.

Suddenly,Yoongi body limp away from Hoseok chest,and his sobbing was't heard anymore,leaving Jungkook and Hoseok in fear.Hoseok hold Yoongi arms both side and pulled him away to look at his face to found his eyes shut tight as his nose start to bleed.

"Hyung!?Hyung?!God..Jungkook call the doctor!" Hoseok said making Jungkook run away out and quickly drag a guy who he believe was the doctor and run back together.

"He just suddenly fainted after waking up." Hoseok said as he gave space for the doctor to check on Yoongi.

"I'll put him under test for the whole body.I think he is sick with something.But,let's just pray he is just tired.Let's think the best." He said left before few more nurses come in and start to get all sort of wiring around him,and the second they realize,Yoongi was being drag to be test.Hoseok and Jungkook was left,staring at each other,and nobody can understand what they are thinking at the moments.


Everyone back in he dorm,was clearly having a mental fight with themself and physical fight with each others.

"I'm so totally clueless right now.Why does everything get mess up like this seriously!" Jin said angry.

"All our efforts are gone waste." Jimin said sad.

"Do you all know how hard I worked everyday and night to produce our mother fucking songs!?" Namjoon said angry and forgetting the facts Yoongi help him lots with producing too.

"It's is all Yoongi hyung faults!If he didn't get depressed and didn't try to take his life,everything will be just fine!" Taehyung said adding fire to the burning house.

Everyone sighed out heavily tired.Just then,suddenly their door bell rang and shocked everyone.Who would possibly visit them at this late night time.

"Open up!Min Yoongi!Open this door!We need to talk!" A girl voice break through the wall and shocked the others.Jin wake up and walk to the door,opening it to see a beautiful girl,standing in front of their door look desperate.

"I don't want to hear anything.I just wanna know where is Min Yoongi!?He had been off contact with me for nearly few months.I fly back to Korea as soon as I got a week leave because I was worried sick about him!" She said and everyone just look lost.

"Excuse me,but who are you?" Jimin ask.

"I'm Nayeon.Jung Nayeon.I'm Yoongi bestfriend." She said introduced herself and just then Namjoon walk in front as like he had heard that name before.

"Nayeon?Nayeon that live in U.S and still in touch with Yoongi?You are his childhood friend right!?" Namjoon said and she nodded.

"Yoongi is not here now.He is in the hospital." Jin said plain.

"Oh my fucking Gosh!Did he did all the chemotherapy I told him to!?" Nayeon said and again left everyone totally lost.

"Did he take all the pills he should too?Is he at the hospital because it was getting worsen?!" Nayeon said at the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry but none of us understand what you are talking about.Chemotherapy?Pills?" Taehyung ask annoyed.

"Don't you guys know?Min Yoongi is suffering with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and he is in stage 2 the last time he told me few months ago!" She said,and no one was left with any words.Nobody know what to say,at all.Everyone was left in silent.

To be honest,I try to kill myself slowly,just by hiding the facts that I needed treatment.What for?We should not waste money,time and energy on someone as useless as Min Yoongi. - Suga

💮Author notes : Hell is empty cause all the devils are here.I just couldn't sleep..Does anyone ever read my notes lol.You should have.Always want to remind everyone I love you sincerely. 💮

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