What if I don't make it? What if I never get to see her again? I want to spend my life with her, experience things I've only ever dreamt of. I want a family of my own, children and I had never thought it possible until she came along. I had already made my mind up that I was going to have to marry someone eventually but it would be a loveless marriage, for I had never met a woman that caused anything other than lust. I wanted her so bad however that I completely ignored telling her about the responsibilities being my wife entails. I should have told her about all of it but I was selfish, I didn't want her to worry because I was so sure she would never have to actually be in that position or al least not anytime soon. I know that if I'm in here for long enough, the men and women that make up our mafia will want to enforce the rules. I can't let that happen. She decided to marry me and if I don't get out of here it'll be my fault that she's forced into marriage with another man.

"I'm sorry." A tear falls. I just hope they do come. If not, I hope I find a way to escape soon.


I know it might be strange but I like watching people sleep. It's the only moment where you are truly vulnerable and also free. Emily always acted happy and although she is getting better I know that sometimes she still feels down but whenever she sleeps she looks so call and free of any worry. When Nico sleeps he seems normal, like he's just a blonde twenty-two year old. And when Ale sleeps...he isn't the ruthless leader everyone knows, his face is relaxed and his guard is down. I sigh before checking the time on my cellphone. Yup. Time to get up. I turn to look at Nicholas again and smile. I let him sleep here again last night because it felt nice to not be alone. I miss Ale, I only get a good night's sleep with him but any form of company helps me keep the nightmares at bay.

"Hey." I poke his face gently.

"Nico." I poke him again and he groans before going back to sleep.

"Come on. We have to get up." I start poking his cheek over and over until he groans again.

"Okay! Okay. I'm up!" He has an angry face but when he opens his eyes he smiles.

"Hey princess. I forgot I'm in your room." He yawns and stretches before getting out of bed. I watch as he moves lazily. Actually stopping to scratch his stomach and I can't help but laugh at seeing him in such a relaxed state.

"What are you laughing at?" He looks at me pretending to out on a menacing face.

"Nothing. You're just funny in the mornings." I laugh again.

"Oh really?" He starts walking over to me.

"You want to laugh, huh?" He gets closer and I notice the gleam in his eyes. He's planning something.

"Uh, nope! I'm going to get changed now...so..." I start to get up from the bed when he suddenly runs up to me and starts tickling me. I've only been tickled once before by Ale. I start to laugh uncontrollably.

"Nico...STOP...please..." I try pleading in between laughs and he finally seems to grow tired. As our laughs die down I notice the position we're in. He has me pinned against the bed and he's on top of me. We look into each others eyes and I watch as his go wide and he gets up quickly. He clears his throat.

"Right. Well, we should get ready then. I'll see you in a bit Amber." He walks out of the room without letting me say anything more. I sigh. Sometimes these things happen and I can't help but wonder about what it would be like if we were together. Both Ale and Nico share qualities but Nicholas is much more...goofy, I think is the word. He always jokes around and is playful. Alessandro is much more serious but he is much more passionate. The biggest difference though, is that only Ale can make my heart beat faster or make it slow down. He makes me feel alive but also makes me feel calm. When I'm with him nothing else exists at that moment, nothing else matters. It's just him and me, both in our own private world.

Saving the Mafia Boss (BOOK 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon