Track fourteen: darkness

Start from the beginning

I sigh keeping my eyes up to the white ceiling putting my hands up in the air whom which is still holding onto Luke's mixtape. I examine it; flipping it from side to side, wondering; why would he give this to me?

I stand up from my bed looking around the room for my player. I push away my clothing which are all scattered across the floor looking for it. I put it in my drawer-that's it. I walk to my bedside table opening the drawer open revealing nothing. The complete drawer is empty. Nothing is there.

I pull the whole thing out, throwing it against the old wooden floor. It was here; I know I left it here. I did, I swear.

I tug my hair in frustration stomping my tiny feet on the hard ground trying to remember where I put that damn thing. I check under my bed; revealing nothing. It was all cleared out. I put my hand on my forearm making my way toward my door but stop.

I stop feet from walking any further, what am I going to do when I face Michael? Talk? No, I'm not going to do that. Not in a long time I think. I make my way back onto my bed, lying down and rubbing by face with the palms of my hands.

I'm going mad. Going insane. Even though I wont admit it; I am.


"Belle, open the door" Michael says knocking from the other side of my bedroom door. "Hurry we have to go." He says a little louder.

I sit up taking a quick glance at my alarm clock to see it was displaying 5:36, what does he want? I silently groan being careful for him not to hear me and make my way to open the door for him. I see him, wearing a plain white shirt and black skinny jeans.

"Finally." he breathes out stepping into my room heading for my dresser. "You're still wearing that?" he says looking over his shoulder to eye me up and down. I try my best not to show any emotion-like I cared of what he just said. He throws some descent clothing onto my bed and adjusts himself to look at me.

"Get dressed, you have a lot of therapy to catch up on." Michael finally says then leaves. I walk over to the dresser; closing the drawer which he obviously didn't, but before I did I saw something. I pulled it out revealing the leather journal mo- Cathy, gave me.

Opening up the pages revealed doodles and scribbles I wrote a while back; flipping through pages I notice that these are all blank pages waiting to be drawn on. I throw the journal up on my bed beside the clothing Michael picked out for me to wear.

Taking off worn out clothes from Luke's house; I notice that I'm skinnier than before. Skinny; I cringe at the sound of the word. As I take of the shirt a familiar scent fills my nose with memories and heartbreak.

"Bella? Bella!" Luke yells chasing me down the street as I wipe my tears out of my eyes. I run further down the crowded street as rain pours down harder and harder. I look back as Luke's figure; his arm resting on his forehead trying to keep the rain of his eyes.

"Bella stop!" He says louder this time. But I don't listen, and he doesn't stop running. I try my best to run but fail. Luke seemed to catch me as he wraps his arms around my crying self.

"Get away Luke!" I say yelling; trying to get away from his grip but he holds me even tighter.

"And if I do, you're going to leave me. And that's not what I want you to do." He says securing his arms around my torso.

"Yes, you do!" I say still trying to squirm away from his hold but I cant. I stop and he lets me go, but still holding onto my shoulders.

"Where the fuck did you here that?" he spits out with anger visible in his eyes, I don't speak. "I swear, on my own fucking life. My mum's, dad's, and even brother's fucking life. I will never want you to leave." He says

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