Chapter 11 - Feyre/Rhysand

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The sunrise came sooner than expected, but I welcomed it with open arms. Sleep had not come again after I read the note, the words haunted me and I almost felt guilty for not telling Rhys. I almost felt a connection to him now, but I shrugged it off as just the stupid bargain.

I sat out on my balcony and watched the sun extinguish the stars, eventually standing up from my position and walking back inside to prepare. My eyes drifted to the note, just peeking out from under my pillow. One month ago I was with Tamlin, the thought chilled me to the bone. Why had I ever loved that stupid excuse for a fae. First, he leaves me to fend for myself Under the Mountain, and then he refuses help to those who needed it most. That was the final straw. I buried the thoughts right to the back of my head again where they belonged. I then remembered that I had never changed out of my leathers last night, and their comfortable material still clung to me like a second skin. I smiled to myself, I finally felt like I belonged somewhere, but those thoughts still haunted the shadows of everything. I shook it off once again, moving out of my bedroom door. I was very careful to lock it after me, not wanting anyone to see the cauldron damned note.

"Suddenly don't trust us?" I head Cassian ask behind me as I fiddled with the lock. I rolled my eyes as it clicked and turned to face him. He had the biggest grin plastered to his face.
"You are a prick, you know that?" I said and started walking towards the entrance hall. I heard Cassian's footsteps and rumbling laughter behind me.
"Prick would be the exact word I would use. Handsome perhaps?" I laughed lightly, shaking my head.
"You are impossible."

We reached the hall and everyone except Amren was already standing there. Rhys and Azriel were talking quietly, and Mor stood grinning in the centre of her room, looking better in the leathers than I ever could. Cassian walked straight of to the males, leaving Mor and I both staring at each other grinning.
"I never pictured you as a war camp kind of girl." I said to her and her grin transformed into a smirk.
"And I thought you would be a Spring Court Princess." I pushed her playfully and we both laughed. It reminded me of Elain. Sweet, innocent Elain. If Tamlin had so much as touched Elain, or Nesta for that matter, since I left, I would rip him to shreds.

"Are you ready?" Rhys asked and I looked to where his voice was coming from. Cassian and Azriel were nowhere to be seen, probably having gone off ahead.
"Ready as ever." And my wings formed at my back. Rhys grinned, and only then did I notice the glittering black crown on his head. But before I could mention it, Mor and him disappeared.  sighed, winnowing after them.


I didn't winnow into a camp. I winnowed into a war zone. I could see Rhys, Azriel, Cassian and Mor fighting alongside the other Illyrians. Past all of them were the banners of the Spring Court army. That prick!
"Feyre!" I heard Mor shout and I turned to face where I had seen her last. She was running towards me. "You need to get out of here." I just shook my head.
"No, I need to do this." MOr smiled sadly, but before she could disappear into the fray again I stopped her. She turned back to face me.
"I need you to make sure there is a distinct gap between this Court and the Spring Court." She nodded and ran towards Rhys. I ran towards the fight.

My wings disappeared as I got closer to the Spring Court. I could see Cassian and Azriel fighting side by side, their swords nothing but a streak of metal and blood. Then I heard a voice shout,
"Fall back!", from the other side of the front line. I shared a secret smile with myself as the Night Court started falling back. I kept pushing forwards.
"Feyre fall back!" I heard Cassian shout, but I had reached the break in the soldiers. I heard and felt Cassian and Azriel land beside me. The Spring Court stopped the pursuit as we came forwards from the crowd, and all eyes were fixed on us. I smirked at all of them devilishly,
"Tell Tamlin," I boomed, "not to fuck with the Night Court." And a wall of darkness slammed up between us and them. I could feel Rhys's darkness mingle with my own, fortifying the wall.
"They won't be leaving." I told Cassian and Azriel and they flew off towards the soldiers. I stood there, all of my concentration going into keeping the wall strong. I could hear muffled confusion on the Spring Court's side, but there were no distinct voices.
"That worked pretty well." I heard Mor say, approaching me from behind.
"It is only temporary," I replied, "and there is no way they will be leaving." I saw Mor shrug in the corner of my eye.
"The others are happy you bought them some t-" There was a loud bang. I felt the wall of darkness shudder, they were getting through.
"They are coming through." I practically whispered, but Mor already winnowed back to the others. The shudders continued to increase in number and strength.


I could feel the shudders and I knew Feyre could too. Mor had just come and told us that they were trying to break through the wall. Cassian immediately started yelling orders left, right and centre. I stood there, blind fury the only emotion in my body, and prepared myself.
"What about Feyre?" Azriel whispered behind me.
"She can fight." I said. "She has more reason to than any of us." And then I met Azriel's eyes. "Just stay close to her." He nodded and flew away. I felt Feyre drop her mental barrier, waiting for instructions. Let's make them pay. I could practically see the devilish smirk on her face, and I felt one crawl onto mine too.
"Let's make them pay." I whispered to myself again. For my mate, for my Court of Dreams, for my people. And all hell broke loose.

I surged forward, my heart beating to the rhythm of the battle. My darkness engulfed the Spring Court soldiers, relieving their lungs of oxygen. The Illyrians flew above, diving in perfect formation  to attack. And Feyre, my beautiful mate, was fighting right beside Cassian and Azriel. Her skills looked sloppy compared to the two born and bred warriors, but her powers were magnificent. He whips of dark flame choked and beheaded any soldier that came within her reach. Death Incarnate. That was the first thing she had thought when she saw that sword, and that is exactly what she was now. A nightmare in a Court of Dreams.


Bodies were scattered around me like discarded trash, the expressions ranging from terror to nothing at all, but nothing registered with me, only the thrum of battle. I could hear the flapping of leathery wings on either side of me and could tell by the faint blue and red glow that Cassian and Azriel were never far away. My own wings remained hidden, but the rest of my magic unleashed itself. Dark fire. That was the only way to describe the magic bursting from me. 

The stream of Spring soldiers seemed endless. There had to be thousands of them, but nothing compared to Tamlin's full army. I had never seen it, but the rumours were enough. Then the soldiers started retreating, running as fast as they could towards a group of people that must be able to winnow, and then they were gone. A roar of victory sounded from the Illyrians. Then the exhaustion set in. The adrenaline left my body, replaced by exhaustion and the urge to collapse. The world went fuzzy and started spinning and my legs collapsed beneath me, giving way to the darkness.



Thanks so much for reading! Only now do I realise how hard it is to write something as good as an S J Maas battle scene, but what did you think? Feedback is always loved and appreciated.
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BTW, this chapter is the longest so far at nearly 1,400 words!

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