Chapter: 14

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Even though I had deducted the whole thing in confidence and I knew I was safe, yet those red eyes intimidated me, even if a little. I shivered and stepped closer to Seth.

"I just can't figure out why your eyes are red and their eyes are golden," I said.

"Animal blood and human blood," Jacob said, "Your friend here sucks on humans," he spat the words.

I looked at Demetri with disgust, I could've said something but decided against it. I looked at Alice. "You see the future, don't you?" She nodded.

"You're good," Jasper said with a smirk.

"Don't support her," Rosalie said. "Who knows what's going to happen next." She glared at Demetri. "It's all your fault."

"I am not going to let anyone harm her," Demetri hissed.

I snorted. "You prey on humans. I am a human. I am not convinced."

"He won't bite you," Jasper said. "I can vouch for him."

"You're vouching for a Volturi?" Emmett said. "Really bro?"

Jasper shrugged and looked at me. "I am an empath by the way."

"Oh I know," I said.

"It's not Demetri's fault," Carlisle said. "She would've figured out sooner or later. It was inevitable. We should focus on what we do when the Volturi gets here." He looked at Alice. "Do you see anything?"

She shook her head. "They haven't decided anything yet. I don't know."

"Should we go?" Jacob asked Carlisle.

"No," Esme said. "Aro is coming. Your smell is quite strong. They will know anyway."

"I am not leaving Alex," Seth shot a glare to Demetri and put his hand around me.

"I am not going to harm her," Demetri took a step towards us.

"I don't take your words," Seth said pushing me back between him and Jake. "If something happens, you die first."

Demetri hissed and showed his sharp teeth.

"Can you two just stop?" I said pulling Seth back. I looked at Demetri. "You are actually scaring me right now." He looked shocked but stepped back. I looked at Seth. "No one is dying here today."

"I hope not," Rosalie said looking pissed. "I doubt Aro would just let her go." She looked at me.

That scared me. I did not want to die. I walked towards the nearest couch and sat down in a daze. Finally, I was starting to panic.

"Alex," Jasper said and a wave of calmness washed over me. "It's okay. We are here."

Seth walked over to me and stood on the handle rubbing my back. It was helpful.

I gulped and I was happy that he was keeping my emotions in check. I had to find loopholes. "It's against the rules for a human to know about the existence of vampires, is that correct?"

"Yes," Carlisle said.

I looked at Esme. "Can you please call my mom and tell her I am going to be here for the rest of the day."

She furrowed her eyebrows but nodded. She took her phone and left.

"The Volturi knows that Bella knows, else Demetri wouldn't have come," I said. "Why is she free then?"

"I saw her future," Alice said. "She was going to be one of us. And so she will be after they come back."

"Because Edward is Bella's mate?" I asked. "What does that mean? What does the Volturi do exactly? Are vampire and werewolves really arch nemesis?"

It was Carlisle who explained everything. About the treaty for which the Olympic Coven (as the Cullens are known in the vampire world) and the shapeshifters live happily with each other. They don't like each other for their nature but they don't fight to the death. He talked about the Volturi. The one who keeps every vampire in check. Take cares of the rogue vampires. They don't let the human world know about their existence. He also told me since Bella was his mate and Alice saw the future, Aro let her go. He could read thoughts by touch and he knew they would keep their promises. But she would've died if it wasn't for Alice.

After letting all of these information process, I looked at Demetri. "You are supposed to be my mate and you are one of them. A Volturi. They should listen to you, right?"

"They follow the rules. I don't know what they would decide," he said walking up to stand closer to me "I will protect you. Whatever it takes."

I looked at Alice. "Why can't you see my future?"

"You haven't decided what to do with him, and there is the pack," she said. Frustration dripped from her voice. "I can't see the future if they are around you, in the future."

Esme came back. "Your mom said she was going to stay at the hospital for the night shift. I told her you will stay here."

"No way," Jacob said. "She is coming to La Push. The pack will protect if it comes to fight."

"Hell yeah," Emmett said making a fist and punching it on his other hand. "But not in La Push, then we have to break the treaty."

"For the last time," I said. "No one is fighting them. What's the worse can happen? They will kill me?"

"No," Demetri said. "They might ask you to go to Volterra or might make one of us."

"She is not going to be a vampire," Seth said.

"Seth," I said. "I don't want to be one either. We are just considering our options."

"Seth is right," Rosalie said. "You shouldn't throw away your life like that."

Suddenly Alice gasped and looked in the air blankly. Jasper caught her.

"What is it?" Esme asked.

I realized she was having her vision.

She looked out of the glass backdoor. "They are here."

I walked over to stand beside Seth. Emmett and Rosalie came and stood by me. Esme hugged her mate and shot me a concerned look. Alice opened the glass door, then joined Jasper. Demetri walked past us and stood by the gate, waiting for them.

Soon I could see six black figures emerging from the forest.

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