"I know that you have. That is how you were able to transform without the surgery. I saw your file from Foundation X and they had that they infected you with a strand of the virus. I don't know how they got ahold of it but they did. You weren't aware of it were you?" Kuroto pulls back and looks down in my eyes.

I look at him, shaking my head. "No, I didn't know that I had the virus until I was taken over by the Bugster in my body. Don't worry, she's resting right now. She's actually pretty lazy."

Kuroto brings his hands to my face and wipes away my tears. "You're too pretty to cry, Kara," he tells me and he bends over a bit.

"Excuse us, we're not done talking yet," Taiga says, clearing his throat. "So, how is this even possible? How is Kuroto standing before us?"

"Well...I brought him back by going into the game I found at the Genm building I saw in my memories. Well, my host's memories," Poppy explains. "I went into it and saw him. Then I gave him the Gamer Driver and popped the game in, which made him like that."

I get on my tippy toes and press my lips against Kuroto's lips gently, closing my eyes. I don't care how he was able to come back. All that matters is that I now have my husband back.

He kisses me back gently, moving his hands to my waist. He is still a really good kisser. Gosh, I missed kissing him so much! Not that kissing Parad is bad or anything, it is just we're enemies now and kissing the enemy is bad. I'm still going to do it though.

"Are you two done having your moment?" Hiiro asks, sounding annoyed. He is so jealous of me and Kuroto!

Kuroto pulls away from me and I open my eyes. "Yeah, we're done kissing. Kara, we'll have to do more of that later but after we have a talk about how things are going to be from now on," Kuroto tells me and he turns away from me. I look over at the others and shrug.

"How can she stand kissing him?" Nico asks, holding onto Taiga's arm. "He is so creepy!"

"Anyways, back to what I was saying," Poppy says. "He's revived now...but as a Bugster."

"You should explain yourself, Kuroto!" Taiga moves towards him and Kuroto holds up a hand.

"Don't order me around!" He shouts and he shoves Taiga back. "I beat a game over! I am truly a God!"

Poppy holds out her transformation device and absorbs him in and I laugh. That is what he gets for going on and on about being a God. He deserves that because he ain't a God.

"Don't get cocky!" Poppy shakes a finger at the screen of her device, staring at Kuroto.

"Well, I'm going to get myself some coffee. Poppy, take good care of my husband," I say, turning around. I am going to let him enjoy his punishment. I smirk.


I look into Poppy's game cabinet, staring at the arcade game screen as Kuroto pulls some stuff out. Is he moving into her space? How sweet of him not to take over my home!

"Hey, stop redecorating my room on your own! This is my place!" Poppy whines, getting closer to the screen and putting her hands on her face dramatically.

I turn my head a bit and look Emu in the eyes. "I guess this is how our days are going to start off here now, huh?" I look back at the screen.

"Kuroto, I have questions for you," Taiga says. "Come on out!"

Kuroto gets closer to the screen, his eyes taking it over. I turn away and move towards one of the other monitors in the CR, seeing his face on it. I have to get used to him doing that. That is one of the many abilities of the Bugsters since they're pretty much just data. Living, breathing data.

Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now