
"Yup yup! I know where they are! I can lead you straight towards them!"

This girl was strange. My parents are dead, so how will I go to them? Does that mean she'll have to kill me? But I don't want to die. My mum always told me to 'live life to the fullest!' I don't wanna go against her words.

"So what do you say?" her purple eyes staring right into my eyes. "I know you want to Oliver, just take my hand and we'll go!" her voice and eyes were so luring that I almost did. But something was odd about her, the way she laughed was like a maniac, her rabbit had tears for blood! She tilted her head. "What's wrong? Don't you wanna see your parents?"

"I-I do but I'll think about it next time ok?" I smiled.

She sighed before letting go of me causing me to fall backwards. She stared at me once more, smirking. "Ok, but you're gonna regret not coming with me!" she singed.

Soon she disappeared only white sparkle dist appeared floating in mid air.

End of flashback~

Ever since I rejected her request she started giving me terrifying nightmares. I could tell it was her because after they would end, a familiar giggle would be at the end. Also it would sing "soon Oliver, soon." so it was very obvious.

The nightmares she would contour up would keep me up at night, it would make me think crazy things. It also drove me insane once to the point where I gorged out my eye.

I never told anyone about, as there was no reason to. But I completely forgot about her ever since I met (Y/N).

I walked over to James cage, I placed a finger inside, in return he rubbed his soft feathers against it.

"Awww James!" I smiled. "I'm going to take you out ok James?"

He tweeted joyfully in his cage. I chuckled before unlatching the cage lock, setting him free. He flew out in a rush.

"Awww I'm apologize that I haven't been taking you out much James. I recently been dealing with some stuff."

He landed on top of the gold chandelier, for some reason he really liked that spot. He tilted his head. "Look inside, look inside your tiny mind, now look a bit harder 'Cause we're so uninspired. So sick and tired of all the hatred you harbour." he singed.

For some reason that sounded really familiar. I listened closely to his song. "So you say it's not okay to be gay, well, I think you're just evil. You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval." it clicked.

I glared at him. "James you better not say it!"

"Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So, please don't stay in touch."


"Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So, please don't stay in touch." he singed again.

Curse that bloody red haired boy. He corrupted my poor bird. I swear I'll pay him back.

James then flew towards me landing on my hat. "I'm mad at you. You used those bad words, those are prohibited from your mouth. Though you are lucky as that's the only bad word I know. But you better say that again!"

He tweeted sadly, before landing on my shoulder. He rubbed his head against my cheek. That was his way of saying sorry.

"Anyways I need to call Fukase telling him to stop teaching you those songs!" I picked up my phone dialing his phone number.
"Hello mate!" he picked up.

"Fukase! Did you teach James 'that' song?!"

"What song you talking about? I taught him many!"

"I am forbidden to say such words but um it's 'that' song!"

"What song are you talking about?!"

"The f-f w-wo-word song!" I regretted saying that as I basically am quite saying it!

"Ohhhhhh that one! Ahahahahahahahahaha that was my favorite one!" he laughed.

"How dare you teach him that!"

"The bird doesn't even know what he's saying!"

"But it is highly inappropriate! I don't want him singing that out loud in the public!"

"Good point! Still I have a list I'm gonna be teachin him! Let's see I have 'The Dirtiest Song that Ain't', 'SPICE!', 'Messiah or Desire', 'Merry Sexmas', 'Secret Police,' and loads more! I can't wait!"

"No no! Even though I never heard any of those songs but no I refuse you teaching those songs to James!"

"Oh my, shota boy here has lots a songs that involve 'stuff!' and he's like fourteen! What kind of teachin did he get?" Fukase imsaid ignoring me.

"But please don't teach him that!"

I pleaded to him while James is chirping in the background. "Roll over honey, let me l**e your a*s;
I want to insert my pe**s in you.
Slide in and out of you, feel the pleasure building; I want to sq***t my sp**m into you!"

"What does that even bloody mean?!"

"Hahahahahahaha! I have taught him well!" Fukase laughed out.

"Ugh nevermind! Just don't teach him those songs!" I hanged up on him.

"Ok James, how about we teach you some good songs!"

He tilted his head.

"Okay! I'll start! Sing 'po pi po pi po po-pi-po, po pi po pi po po-pi-po, po pi po pi po po-pi-po, po pi po pi po po-po! That should be good! It's be Miku!" I cheered.

James didn't reply, giving me a look like 'are you serious?'

I sighed "okay, different than different one! Let's start with "Candy candy candy candy candy
Sweetie sweetie girls love
Chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing
Cutie cutie ch-ch-ch-chewing love
Candy candy candy candy candy
Sweetie sweetie girls love
Chewing chewing chewing chewing chewing
Cutie cutie, - so candy love!" I singed.

He tilted his head once more. "Oh don't you like candy?"

He shook his head. "Aw phuuu!" I pouted. "Well you like bread anyways, wonder why you and Teto get along so much." I sighed.
"Well time to put you to bed James, you should rest well as we are going to a party later on today! So get lots of rest ok?! And also promise me you won"t sing that again?"

He chirped meaning yes. I chuckled before heading back to bed.

"Fuck you~" I heard him chirp downstairs.


Hopefully that will make up from the dark chapters but anyways do I need to put a link to each song or do all of you got it? Cause that's gonna take awhile lol but I don't particularly mind. XD

Also it was quite awkward to censor some words, I regret my life sometimes XD. Wait I have none!

Anyways what I was gonna say is whoa! We got loads of sitituations in this book! We have Ay-ri trying to steal Oliver from you, Rika trying to bully him, Alyss trying to take him away, and a yandere on the loose! What would you do?

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