Chapter Three: I'm an angel

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  -Grace you are an angel.-my parents told me. 

I must have heard it wrong. 

-You guys are crazy.

-Grace it's true.-my mom told.

-No, no, no, no, you're lying. Angels don't exist.

-Grace, your mother and I are not lying, can't you see your wings?

-This has to be a dream, this is not happening.

-Honey, this is real, this is who you are.

-But how, mom, how?

-We can explain.

-Okay, you can start talking.

My parents and I sat on the couch, well I had a little bit of trouble to seat because of the...wings.

My parents looked at each other to see who would start to explain to me what was happening. Mom started.

-Well everything started a long, long time ago. The story started with three friends, who lived above the clouds in the sky,they were angels. Cassia,Milo and Magnus were there names. The three kids were raised togheter, they were friends who couldn't be apart from each others not even for a minute.Everything was great until they become teenagers. Milo started having feelings for Cassia and he showed that to her by saying that she was beautiful, smart, funny that she looked like an angel. Cassia was slowly falling in love with him, but Magnus was liking were that was going, because he loved her too. Magnus never told anyone just because he was scared that she wouldn't love him and he didn't want to loose the love of his life. However Magnus saw how his friends were getting really close and that made him angry really angry. One day Cassia told Milo that she loved him so he proposed to her. The couple went to told the news to their friend, thinking that he would love the news but they were so wrong.

-What did Magnus do?

-Your mother was about to say, Grace.

-Sorry, keep going mom.

-Magnus when found out about it he punch Milo, a lot, Magnus was so furious he just thought how could she choose Milo instead of him. Men went to take Magnus away from Milo but he kept fighting, He couldn't stop, not until he heard Cassia crying, he looked at her and said that he loved her too so she need to choose. Cassia chose Milo, not because Milo was the one but because she was scared of Magnus and scared of what future she would have with him. Suddently an attack of demons, it was pretty bad. Demons wanted to turn the angels into demons and that's what happened with Magnus, he was so angry of Cassia choice that he didn't mind becoming a demon after all if he didn't have Cassia nothing in his life would metter. With the attack some demons and angels fell into the earth and Magnus, Cassia and Milo never saw each other again. The story tells that out there is still new versions of Cassia,Magnus and Milo who will live the same has they did.

-Mom I don't get it, what do I have to do with?

-You are an angel.

-But how is that possible?

-Angels and demons can have babys.

-Okay and about you guys are you...

-Yes both your mother and I are angels.

-Listen Grace you can't tell this to anyone, this is a secret.

-I won't tell anything.

-Good.Oh and the wings will disappear when you calm yourself down.

-Okay. I think I'm going to bed

-Grace do you have any questions?-my dad asked me.

-Why now?

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