Chapter Fourteen: Truths and Angry Faces

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-You should prepare her for the real world we live in,John, the world with angels and demons. Afterall your father died because of those creatures, those demons.


-You heard me Grace. Your grandfather died because of a demon.

Grandpa died because of demons but that cant be. No. Grandpa Tony died of cancer. What is going on???

-What its going on?? What do you mean with grandpa Tony dying because of demon?? He died because of cancer...right?


-Tell her the truth, John.-grandma Rose said.

-John, your mother is right. It's about time to tell Grace the truth.-mom said.


-It's true. Your grandfather was killed by a demon.

-What? How? Why didn't you said before?

-See Grace, you need to change. You need to grow up and see the things like they are. Those demons are the worst thing in the world and you should never let yourself be fooled by them.

I could already feel water in my eyes, the tears that I wanted to realease from my eyes because now I could only remember my grandfather's death and his funeral.

-You two created a girl who is not ready for this life. She is not ready to be an angel. Look at her, she is almost crying for knowing the truth.

My grandmother was being so cold. I dont have to stay here and listen to this. I really don't have to.

-I am going to my room.

I got up and left.


I was still crying in my bed when my dad came to my room.

-Can I come in?


-Grace, I think we should talk now.

-Why did you lie?

-I had to, but I didnt lie just to you. I lied to the rest of people except our family. I couldnt tell you because you didnt know about being an angel. It would be too much for you.

-You're right sorry.

-Dont apoligize, you didnt do anything wrong.

-Why did grandma reacted like that?

-She doesnt mean or think like that, but talking about grandpa makes remember all of their life and how he died. She let her hatred consume her and she let it out on you. She loves you.

-Sometimes it doesnt feel like that.

-Its hard for her to show her feelings. I know that, I am her son.

We both gave a little laugh at that, and then everything went silent for a couple of minutes before I break the silence.

-Dad, how did it happen?

-We dont know for sure. One day your grandfather went for a walk in the woods, as usual, and a couple of hours later he was found dead on the backyard by your grandmother.

-How do you know it was a demon who killed him?

-He had a few back feathers on his clothes. Those feathers are from demons.


So it was a demon who killed my grandpa Tony. Those creatures, they...they...they killed him. They killed someone that I love. Now I get why my grandma hates them.

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