Ch.75 dinner dates

533 13 2

October 14 2017
Jonah's Pov
I asked Aaliyah out for dinner today. I'm not gonna lie, I'm really nervous. She's just so perfect, I can't explain it. I hope things turn out well.

"Remember I told you about that girl Aaliyah" I say to Daniel.

"Ya the one you can't be quit about" he laughs

"You met her once and you're already in love with her" Jack laughs

"I'm in love with her" I say defensively.

"Oooooh Jonah's blushing" Zach yells

"He's growing up so fast" Corbyn says wiping tears away.

"Hey. At least I'm not in love with the same girl as you guys." I smirk
Corbyn bursts out laughing.

"Oh I get it. Because they're all in love with Madison" he laughs. They all go silent.

"Ya that's what I thought" I say getting up.

"You were falling for her also" Jack defends

"Ya but I'm backing off" I say walking out the room.

That was fun to watch. Their facial expression were priceless.

Time skip.

After about 2 hours of getting ready, I'm finally done. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and grab a quick drink of water.

"Hey babe" Madison cheers walking into the kitchen. 

"Hey baby" I smile hugging her
Then I hear a gasp.

"You said nothing was going on between you and Madison" Aaliyah says almost yelling

"No no. You don't understand" I say walking closer to her.

"What don't I understand" she hisses crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry for the miss understanding, but we just call each other that. I promise nothings going on" Madison says

"I'm so sorry Jonah. What an awful think for me to say" she apologizes

"Please. I understand where you're coming from" I smile. She smiles back
I stare at her and her beautiful smile.

"You look beautiful" I say

"You look even better" she smiles.

"Ok well you 2 lovebirds have fun on your date" Madison says pushes us out the door.

"Tell me everything" she yells

Madison's Pov
I close the door behind them and frown. I'm really happy for Jonah. But I hope he doesn't get all obsessed with her and forget about me.

I go and sit on the couch alone.

"Why so sad" Daniel asks sitting next to me

"I just don't want Jonah to forget about me and the way we act around each other" I sigh

"Jonah isn't that kind of guy" he assured me. "How about we go out for dinner to get your mind of that" he suggest.

"I would love to go out for dinner with The Daniel Seavey" I laugh

"Well we're going now" he says getting up.

"Let's go" I smile.

Time skip

Daniel pays the Uber driver and we step out of the car.

"I love Italian food" I cheer

"Your welcome" he laughs.

I link my arm with his and we walk in.

"Table for 2 please" Daniel says

"Right this way" the waitress smiles.

She takes us to the outside eating area. It's beautifully lit up with fairy lights.

"I feel underdressed" I laugh

"This restaurant isn't as fancy as it seems" Daniel laughs.

We sit at the table under the stars. It's beautiful.

Time skip.

Dinner was amazing. We were having fun, talking and laughing. What an amazing night.

"We should watch a movie at my place, since my brother isn't there" I suggest

"Sure" Daniel smiles

Daniel's Pov
This feels so much like a date. I wish it was. Tonight was perfect. I don't know what I'm feeling, but it's like I'm falling even harder for Madison. I just want her, like now. I've never felt this was before, not with anyone.

She leans her head on my shoulder. That's not helping me. It's just makes me want her more.

"Tonight was fun" she says

"We should do it again" I suggest

"Honestly. We should" she laughs

We get out of the Uber and Madison start skipping, while flipping her hair around, going into the building. I follow behind recording for Instagram, laughing.

We get into her apartment. It's pitch black.

"Daniel I can't see" Madison says

"Well duh. The lights are off" I laugh flicking the light switch on.

The light above the kitchen island turned on. When the light turns on. I'm face to face with Madison.

She blushes lightly looking away. This makes me want her even more.

"Stop looking away" I say turning her head to face me. She starts blushing even more.

I admire her beautiful face. She really is the perfect girl. Well she may not be the perfect girl, but she's definitely the perfect girl for me. In my eyes she's beyond perfect.

I just want her right now. I don't know whats gotten into me, but I want her. Is it bad that I've imagined what it would be like if we dated. Because I've definitely dreamed about that and other stuff with her. I know it's wrong but I can't help it.

"Can you get any more beautiful" I say staring into her eyes. She blushes, looking down smiling.

"Blushing just makes you look better" I say making her look at me.

She presses her lips on mine, but breaks the kiss.

"How much hotter can you get" she mumbles. I feel my cheeks heat up this time.

I smirk, warping my arms around her waist kissing her. I pick her up and place her on the counter, not breaking the kiss.

A.n: Oooooooh get it Daniel 😂
So the next chapters are gonna be her with basically trying to make a decision. She might have different scenes with each guy, just so you guys, and me of course, can get a better image of Madison and each guy. Lol I hope you guys understand 😂

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