Ch.70 break down

536 14 4

September 30 2017
Madison's Pov
I'm at the airport with my brother. Today's the day Johnny's leaving.

"I'm gonna miss you" I say hugging Johnny, tearing up

"I'll miss you to" he says into the hug.

I hug him for a good 2 minutes.

"Madison" my brother coughs

"Sorry" I say breaking the hug.

"I'll miss you bro" my brother says giving him a hug.

We walk him to his gate and they start to board almost right away.

As he gets on that plane I feel worse. It's like he was the last thing I had. He made me happy. But now he's gone. I watch the plane take off and reality hits me.

My parents are gone.
I left my family.
He was the only person I had to keep me happy.
I'm done.

I hold my tears in as my Brother and I walk threw the Airport and get in our Uber.

Time skip.

"Hey. I'm going to Logan's do you wanna come" my brother asks

"No. I'm just gonna stay alone for a little" I say

"Are you sure" he asks

"Yes Cameron. I'm sure" I say

He nods his head and heads to Logan's apartment. I walk into ours and go straight to my room. I lock the door and the tears start falling.

I fall to my knees sobbing. I've never cried to hard before.

I keep crying and sobbing. All I can ever do is cry.

Cameron's Pov
"What's wrong bro" Logan asks me

"It's Madison. She seemed different when Johnny left. She's not answering my calls or texts." I say kinda confused.

"Let me try and call her" Logan says taking his phone out.

He calls her and it goes right to answering machine.

"Weird" he says. "Want me to call George to check on her" he asks

"No. I'll go see her soon" I deny.

Time skip

"Ok. She's not answering and it's been an hour" I says worriedly

"Bro don't worry. Maybe her phone died or she's watching tv. I texted George to check on her." Logan says

George's Pov
I got a text from Logan to check on Madison. The people know Madison and I are friends so they gave me a spare key.

I walk up to the apartment and unlock the door.

"Madison!" I yell.


I walk downstairs and hear sobs coming from her room. I go to open the door and it's locked.

"Madison" I say knocking on the door
She doesn't answer.

"Madison can I come in" I ask. She still doesn't answer. I try and unlock the door with the key but theirs no key hole.

I get my phone out and call her brother.
Call with Cameron.

"Hey she locked herself in her room" I say

"On my way" he says then hangs up.

What an amazing Brother.

Cameron's Pov
Logan and I come as fast as we can go my apartment. I slowly get down the stairs. My stupid broken leg makes me so slow.

"Madison" I yell. She doesn't answer. I hear her cry.

"Madison let me in" I yell. Again no answer.

"Give her time. Let her be alone" Logan says patting my back.

I slide down against the door.

"I'm not moving until she comes out" I say

"Madison please let us in" Logan says knocking on the door. Still no answer.

Logan's Pov
I'm on my way to Madison place right now. It's around 12:30pm. I'm hoping she's not in her room.

I unlock the door and step inside. The house is quiet. I walk downstairs and see Cameron sitting in the same position as yesterday.

"W.were you there all night" I ask

"Sh.she hasn't come out" he says worried

I don't know what to do. I can't help. I hate how I can't do anything to help. This breaks my heart to see this happen to these two.

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