Ch.74 recovering

493 14 1

October 12 2017
Madison's Pov
It's been a couple days since I left the hospital. I am gaining weight again. You know, so I can not look like a skeleton.

My brother has been with Aspen a lot lately. They're not telling me what's going on. I'm gonna figure out.

As for the boys and I. I need to choose one, not all. The thing is, one day I'm all up in Jacks lane, but the next day, I want Zach, then the day after I'm all over Daniel. And as for Jonah, well I'm always in his lane. It's so hard. They're all so perfect.

Today I just want to eat and cuddle. Nothing else. But sadly. I'm at the Why Don't We house alone. I mean, I think I'm alone, if I'm not then the house is just super quiet.

"I have donuts" Jack yells walking into the tv room.

"They better be for me" I yell

"What if they aren't" he says raising an eyebrow.

"I'll eat them all" I threaten

"That's it. Wow" he laughs placing the box on the table.

"I mean I can let you have one, then push it out of your hand so it falls on the floor."I say taking a bit of a donut.

"You don't have the heart to do that to a donut" he says sitting next to me.

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't" I shrug

"You don't" he laughs

We finish eating our donuts and wash our hands.

"Do you have a blanket" I ask him sitting back down.

"Why" he asks

"Cuz I'm cold. Duh" I answer

"That sucks" he laughs

"Fine" I say "you're gonna keep me warm then" I say warping my arms around him and snuggling into his chest.

"Madison I need to use the washroom. Move" he laughs

"That sucks" I smile

I snuggles closer into his chest. He really is warm. He warps his arms around me pulling me closer to him.

Time skip.

The boys came back. My brother and Logan aren't here though.

"Where's my phone" I ask

"Your house" Jonah says

"Ugh. Can someone drive me home please" I groan

"I will" Zach cheers

"I'm sorry but I don't feel like dying tonight" I laugh

"Ouch" Daniel laughs

"Hey. I'm driving" Zach says tugging me out the door.

"If I die it's because of him" I say before the door closes.

We both get into the car and drive away.

"I'm not that bad" Zach says

"You literally almost hit someone if I didn't tell you to stop" I laugh

"Not true" he defends

"Yes it is" I argue

Soon enough, we pull into my apartment complex. We both step out of the car. No screaming so that mean no fans. We both walk in and start walking to my apartment.

I open the door and run down to get my phone. But it's dead.

"Great" I sigh

I bring my charger and plug it in upstairs in the kitchen.

"So. My phone's dead" I tell Zach.

"We'll just wait for it to charge." He smiles

"Yup" I laugh

"Can I log in on my Instagram on your phone" I ask

"Sure" He says handing me his phone

I open Instagram and log in to my account. I scroll threw my explore page and come across a video of Zach. It's one on those videos edits that make you swerve into his lane. I watch the video. Is it bad that I want him, after watching it. I like the video and watch it again.

"You like that video huh" Zach says over my shoulder.

Dammit. He saw me. That is gone be so awkward, I can see it.

"Umm" is all I can say.

I get up off the chair and come face to face with Zach who has a smirk on his face.

"What" I ask looking down embarrassed. He puts his finger u see my chin making me look at him. My cheeks instantly turn red. He keeps that smirk on his face.

"Stop" I say looking away.

"Stop what" he says turn my head to face him.

"This" I laugh

"You're so easy to annoy" he laughs

I groan hitting his arm playfully.

A.n: You know how I said I didn't know how I felt about Jack and Madison. Well idk what happened cuz now I like them together😂 This is so hard

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