Ch.49 regret

681 13 3

August 18 2017
Madison's Pov
The boys left for New York and I'm on my way to Aspen and Atalia's house right now.

I can't warp my head around what Zach and I did this morning. It felt good and all but we can never do that again. I need to talk to him when he gets back.

"Thank you" I say paying the driver and walking out.

I press the buzzer on their gate to let them know I'm here.

"Who is it" Aspen says

"Madison Dallas" I answer

The gate opened and I walk in and see her and Atalia waiting at the door. They pull me inside.

"What did you wanna talk about" Atalia asks.

I stand there in awe looking at their beautiful mansion.

"Your house is huge" I say in awe
They both giggle.

"What's so important you wanted to talk about" Aspen asks

"Are we home alone" I ask looking around.

"Ya why" Atalia answers confused.

"Well. Zach and I sorta kissed." I say looking away.

The both scream.

"3 times in 2 days" I say blushing.

"Girlllll" Atalia says grabbing my hand and abs bringing me to her room.

"Tell us everything" Aspen says closing the door.

"Well the first time we were taking a selfie and I turned around and our faces we really close and he kissed me" I say blushing.

"Of course Zach kissed you first" Aspen says laughing.

"Ya I wouldn't have done it" I chuckle.

"Did you like it though" Atalia asks

"Of course I liked it" I yell

"Does anyone know" Aspen says sitting next to me

"Only Corbyn" I answer
Atalia and Aspen look at each other.

"Good" Atalia says.

"Why good" I ask confused

"Never mind. What happened that second time" Aspen asks

"Um well we were outside last night and I was mad at him for something. Then he kissed me and it got a little" I start but Aspen cutes me off.

"Heated" she smirks.

"Ya" I blush

"What did you guys do" Atalia asks

"He had me pressed against the wall with my legs warped around him." I say reimagining last night.

"You guys still had clothes on right" Aspen asks raising an eyebrow

"Oh yes" I laugh "but he didn't have a shirt on" I say blushing

"You guys should date" Aspen chirps

"God no" I laugh

"Why not" Atalia asks

"I don't want to date anyone right now. I need to focus on my career and school not having a boyfriend." I answer

"We're talking about this later" Atalia says.
I roll my eyes laughing

"Now. What about the 3rd time you guys kissed" Aspen smirks

"This morning" I blush

"What happened" Atalia says egger to know.

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